Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

57° out now. :eek: :eek: :eek: supposed to snow on Tuesday though. :hit I also just got done picking up all the dog poop on the (quite big) yard lol resulted in me doing lots of squats LOL
We've been able to keep up with all the poop this year. Most of the snow is gone. We had thunder and lightning the other night. Definitely crazy weather this year. We are back into the 20-30's which feels cold because of a brisk north wind. In a normal year this would be warm.
We've been able to keep up with all the poop this year. Most of the snow is gone. We had thunder and lightning the other night. Definitely crazy weather this year. We are back into the 20-30's which feels cold because of a brisk north wind. In a normal year this would be warm.
Oh wow that’s crazy!! It’s been crazy weather here too lol
yup, cold. yesterday I had a handful of wrenches and headed out to remove the distributor from Ollie. got as far as the end of the ramp and stopped. that wind was raw. so I picked up the live trap and brought it in. baited it and set it out on the deck railing. I THINK there is just one red squirrel left.. I thought that a couple of times before . lolol
I noticed last night that our water is free of that metalic taste from the old copper pipes.. imho, no need to buy bottled water any more.
as long as I can't get at Ollie, I keep reading on forums about tractor repairs and questions.
yesterday I learned something.
on Ollie, I cannot get at the front of the tractor to crank the engine by hand. there is a loader in the way and the hydraulic pump is connected to where the hand crank would normally go.
somebody said to put the pto in gear and use a wrench to turn the engine over that way.. with the battery disconnected of course..
Annie is set on making prima vera out of some of the left over salmon. I will go along with it, although it doesn't sound as good as shrimp. lol
she told me that salmon is $8.oo/lb.
at that rate the piece I cut up was close to $5o.oo.. thanks to our nephew, who lives just across the road from Lake Michigan, we have about six more slabs in the freezer.. I am still waiting for a trout. lol

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