Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

How are you!?
Slugging along. Still doesn't feel real I'm one dog down. Keep wondering when I will wake up and everything will be fine. Guess it doesn't work that way.

My other old dog has been sticking to me like glue today, and it makes me a bit scared. She lost her best friend. Not sure if she understands or not.
Slugging along. Still doesn't feel real I'm one dog down. Keep wondering when I will wake up and everything will be fine. Guess it doesn't work that way.

My other old dog has been sticking to me like glue today, and it makes me a bit scared. She lost her best friend. Not sure if she understands or not.
Awww I’m sorry :hugs
I want to do six tomatoes this year. No romas. one extra cherry tomato, too.
Now is when I miss my chicken s..t..
If I get Ollie back early enough, I want to plant some corn. Not a big patch like I used to do. just a couple hundred plants.. enough to freeze some.. I have a package of 1000 seeds.. they don't sell it by the pound any more..
I won't tell Ollie you called him a her. lol
today we had a new fan/light installed in the bathroom. it moves 110 cfpm. can empty the air in the room in about two minutes.. I can actually feel the air being sucked in around the door.. and the light is an LED. It is bright in there now..
you could do surgery..
If my bathroom was that bright, I would probably be forced to spend time vigorously cleaning every nook and cranny -- all of which always contain some form of pet hair.

When I took out the dogs at 4, we all tracked through the skiff of snow on the deck. Yuck! As they took their sweet time to empty, I heard a meowing. Yes, No. 1 is still hanging around. I wish I could take in the sweet little cat, but my household is chaotic enough.

However, it does seem that I've added a new critter -- there has clearly been a mouse in the kitchen that has evaded all the traps in usual places. So, I've added a new location.

Today's snow makes it harder to think about planting tomatoes and all the other edibles that I will likely end up sacrificing to bunnies and squirrels. Oh, and birds. Last year I got absolutely none of my aronia berries. I was slightly more successful racing them to the cherry tree.

A couple hundred corn plants sounds like a lot to me. Of course, I'm one of the few Iowans who isn't really thrilled about corn on the cob.

The power company sent out tree trimmers to massacre anything growing close to the power line. It always makes me sad to see them hack up the trees. But, I took advantage of the situation and asked one of the guys if he could remove two branches off one of the walnut trees -- branches that always get laden with walnuts and touch the ground, making it really hard to mow on the rider. He nicely complied, and it's one less thing for me to bother with.
good morning,
we got about an inch of fluffy snow and no wind.
No need to call the neighbor to come and plow.
drove past where Ollie is. didn't see him sitting outside. guess that is a good sign ?
it seems to me that Marco Pole sent you the answer to the evasive mouse.. and maybe many more..
I have to get down and dirty and try to catch that apparently, last red squirrel..
Annie thinks it is residing in the back of the truck that I don't drive any more.. It is full of odds and ends of building material. (and a squirrel).
when the guys were in the attic running the vent tubing and new wires, they said that it is loaded with black walnuts up there.
I have a couple of heavy black walnut branches to cut off so we don't take our head off with the rider lawn mower. I hear about it every time that Annie mows.. I bought two new chains for one of the saws. One of these fine days I will do the deed.
Of course I can't do it without Ollie standing by, watching. lol
Maybe today , with the snow cover, we can burn the long overdue burn pile.. I like a breeze when I do that. it makes the fire hotter and less smoke..
I hope no good semaritan or that trouble making neighbor calls the fire dept.
when you look up the driveway, it looks like the fire is at the end of the garage . in fact it is beyond everything by hundreds of feet..

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