Duck egg day 27

Just wondering but what do you mean they breath through the membrane? From what I’ve seen and heard they break a hole in the membrane so they can breath the air cell and then once they externally pip, breath through the hole. I’ve seen many people use Vaseline and it is a pretty common practice I’ve never had any issues with personally

If that membrane isn’t kept moist it can cause shrink wrapping
You are right once the membrane is broken the duckling would not depend on gas exchange through it. The op did not seem sure if the duckling had internally pipped though. Until then, it was dependent on it. Now that it has externally pipped it wouldn’t matter.
You are right once the membrane is broken the duckling would not depend on gas exchange through it. The op did not seem sure if the duckling had internally pipped though. Until then, it was dependent on it. Now that it has externally pipped it wouldn’t matter.
Yes that is true, if it hadn’t internally pipped then it might not be the best idea.
Sorry I just checked in and saw I missed the tag. You got good advice and looks like baby is doing it’s own thing now
Just keep humidity a bit higher then normal because of the bigger hole
For future when making a safety hole I only make it as big as the tac pin
It stays like that until hatch
If they don’t make their own hole I’ll candle the egg after 24 -30 hours
If I see veins I wait
I can judge by how many veins and how big I should wait to check again
I find it’s more around 30-40 hours before they are ready
When I first started to assist I would keep picking at it slowly over time. This causes you to tend to the membrane constantly
Now with only the little pin hole I don’t have to worry about the egg at all till it’s ready
98% of the time the only have tiny pip 1-2 until zip. They really don’t need big holes just a tiny one for air to get in
Good luck little baby
We will be waiting for pictures :)
That is great! Yes, the hole should not be an issue. I personally would not use the Vaseline. They breath through that moist membrane. I am not sure if they can if it is greasy. Regardless, the little bit you have done should not matter. As suggested, keep the humidity up in the incubator. Hopefully, he will hatch in the next 24-48 hours. Most of the time they rest after pipping and finish absorbing the yolk sack for the next day. Then, they zip. Only thing I would watch for is if tomorrow or Thursday he seems to be only making the pip hole larger and not zipping, it could indicate being stuck. You know he has oxygen so wait as long as possible before intervening. You do not want to help a duckling hatch who hasn’t finished absorbing his yolk. Prayers! 🙏
Oh okay, good to know. Thank you!
The humidity is pretty high in there, so fingers crossed!
UPDATE: This little duckling hatched while I was sleeping last night!! Thank you all so much for all your helpful information and tips! I am eternally grateful!

(Hard to get good pictures, they move so much!)


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