Duck Egg External Pip Question (Pipped around 12 hours ago no progress)


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 29, 2013
Hi, i am totally new to this and the forum, I have 5 duck eggs (Campbell) now on day 28 (due date) 2 have pipped externally and I can hear some 'chatting' going on in the mornings, eggs are still rocking etc.
The shot I posted is of the first one to make a dent in the shell - this was nearly 12 hours ago now, and no progress, still rocking about but still no major attempt to break through, should I be worried??? cause I kinda am!
Welcome to BYC

Ducklings can and does take their sweet time when hatching, so don't worry. Yet. LOL I've had one take 4 days to hatch from external pip once. I give them (as a rough guide) 24 hours from internal to external pip, 24 hours from external pip to zipping and another 8 hours to zip and complete the hatch. So you are still in a good time frame
Good luck with the hatch and keep us posted!
Patience was key in this one, Sweep finally hatched the following day at around 5pm! and has bags of personality ;) I successfully hatched 3 others and 1 never externally pipped 2 are still incubating and drying off and will be added to the brooder tonight :)

I was wondering what happened to you and the ducklings. That thing is adorable!
Congratulations and enjoy!

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