Duckling in wrong end of the

New duck mommy 2021

Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Oct 19, 2021
Medicine Hat , alberta , Canada
I know it’s late but looks like I’m not going ti sleep tonight so thought I would check to see if anyone was up to help calm my nerves
Quick review of my last month.
My duck was laying eggs but sitting at night only so I removed 11 and only the one from that day took to incubate. I removed one egg a day after that for 6 more days. 5 of them took
All 6 babies made it to lockdown. First baby was stuck and I tried to help but I think to much to soon. It died an hour after it hatched. Baby 2 external piped outside of the air cell but I had help from a great member on here and got guidance for a successful hatch. Baby 3&4 did it on their own all the way. Baby 5 bruised the wrong end and I didn’t act soon enough and it died. Baby 6 Internal but never external and I had ti help once again
The 4 that hatched are 2 weeks and doing amazing
But mom continued to lay eggs for 8 more days and I didn’t want to do more then a week of staggered hatch so I left them. She decided to go broody and is still sitting on her nest
5 out of her 8 died along the way.
On Saturday morning 2 had internal pipped baby 3 no sign of the beak. By Saturday night I could see a small bruise in the wrong end. I quickly gave it a tiny safety hole and back under mom. Sunday morning no external pips on baby 1&2 but they were tapping and peeping so I left them be. Baby 3 had a large bruise now so I made a little bit bigger hole by the darker part of the bruise. This time into the incubator so I can keep an eye on it without bugging mom. Sunday evening moms comes off I check her eggs and baby 1 has died no external pip I felt so guilty as I should have done this in the morning with the safety hole after 24 hours. I quickly gave baby 2 a hole by the beak. It was chirping and breathing. Set it back under mom. Sunday night I see her come off again ( I have a camera I can watch her ) I went down and checked the baby and it to was dead. Mom was sitting low on it and not sure if it just couldn’t breath it didn’t have much yolk left to absorb. Very rough evening in this house
My girl has worked so hard sitting down well keeping her nest perfect I need to save baby 3 as it’s her last egg she has to hatch.
It’s in the incubator and I have put a few chicken eggs in her nest as I removed the two dead babies. so if baby hatches I can hopefully sneak it under her and she can have a result for all her hard work.
This is day 31 today. Mom is Pekin and dad is khaki Campbell. It’s been 31 hours since I made the safety hole in baby 3 this would be internal / external as it’s in the wrong end. My only worry right now is these air sacs went saddle shape and large. This is a small egg as were all of hers and why I think so much trouble with moving to get in position
This baby has about 1/4 of the egg and can not move at all it’s crammed in there
I do have it open around the beak. I can’t see inside very much as it’s tight with baby
I don’t want to help to early but I also don’t want it to die helping to late.
I know they can take time but most times the baby moves into the air cell giving much more room to properly use the lungs. This little one is not able to do this.
I can see the air cell blocked with the membrane right across it. Baby’s beak is facing the pointy end.
Anyone have this same issue ?
What did you do ?
My heart can’t take another loss tonight :(
First pic is where I first put the safety hole the next morning I could see the bruise had got much larger.


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Ducks can be really slow hatchers, so keep that in mind. I've had mine take three days before (though usually starting before day 28)

At thirty-one hours, I'd start slowly peeling while carefully watching for blood. If there's blood, he's still cooking, and you need to stop. Good luck.
Ducks can be really slow hatchers, so keep that in mind. I've had mine take three days before (though usually starting before day 28)

At thirty-one hours, I'd start slowly peeling while carefully watching for blood. If there's blood, he's still cooking, and you need to stop. Good luck.
Thank you
I know they can take a long time as this hatch of eggs has given me very witch way it can go wrong
I have no problem waiting I just worry about the space baby has and it’s fast breathing
The eggs I had all hatched day 27 of 28 so moms batch is really throwing me off
I have a camera set up on her and she was sitting 23.5 hours a day I kept track so I’m certain about dates. Just not sure why they are late or why her own eggs that never left her nest became saddle air sacs.
I’m going to keep checking every hour to make sure baby is active. As long as it stays active I can wait on helping.
Just an update this morning
Baby (Hope) is still doing good. Veins are going down slowly but baby is making some peeping sounds , yawing a little and clicking lots.
It’s been about 42 hours now since I made the first pin hole after seeing breathing movements and the bruise at the wrong end. I am going very slow and being patient to let the baby absorb all it needs to.
Hopefully in the next 0-24 hours we have a ducking
Hopes update
Well as good as mom was at sitting on her eggs and keeping herself and her nest perfect she was actually scared of the baby and didn’t accept it. Baby tried to come to mom and daisy ran away then turned and did her attack stance so I removed baby.
I have her set up in her own brooder next to her older siblings who she will join once she is a bit bigger. Right now they think she is a toy
She wants to be held 24-7 but has finally learned to go to heat when needed and come out when she needs. She is eating and drinking on her own without being guided to her dishes.
If I do pick her up she falls a sleep instantly
Cutest thing ever
The bigger siblings spend most their time laying beside where she sleeps keeping her company.
After trying to give mom the baby I removed her fake eggs I had put in place the night before after the other two died not being able to external pip out. I don’t want my girl sitting when she doesn’t need to. She went in and looked for the eggs and left if and hadn’t gone back in. She peeks in the door every now and then but won’t go in it. Today warmed up in Canada enough I could take her out to enjoy the outdoors. She loved it. Was nice to see her enjoy being a duck again and even got some much needed time with her partner in crime MR peep
I still have them separated in the house as he would like to mate and she needs time to get all her hormones gone.
Yes MR peep has angle wing. We tried very hard to fix it but he wasn’t having it and would remove the wrap every time. The vet even tried and he freaked out banging into his cage till he got it off. He doesn’t seem bothered by it and we love him the way he is.


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Dang I’m so late to the thread.

Just wanted to say I’ve had wrong end pipped ducklings before & they came out just fine. Also ducklings are notoriously slow from pip to complete hatch & even longer when they pip from the wrong side.

When pipped from the wrong end I myself do keep an eye on the membrane veins & do help a bit with chipping away shell & putting Vaseline on exposed membrane to keep it moist if needed.

Hatching isn’t for the faint of heart sometimes lol
Dang I’m so late to the thread.

Just wanted to say I’ve had wrong end pipped ducklings before & they came out just fine. Also ducklings are notoriously slow from pip to complete hatch & even longer when they pip from the wrong side.

When pipped from the wrong end I myself do keep an eye on the membrane veins & do help a bit with chipping away shell & putting Vaseline on exposed membrane to keep it moist if needed.

Hatching isn’t for the faint of heart sometimes lol
Thank you for the reply.
Hopefully this helps others one day
I did exactly that Slowly helped after much time had passed. I had a lot of help from @WVduckchick who kept me on the right path and @Miss Lydia who kept me calm and confident

Baby is doing awesome. She was up and going within 12 hours after her birth and Is thriving


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