dying chook coulors ( with food dye )

Yeah I apologize. You caught me, I originally wrote that last sentence and quickly removed it. It was my ignorance, as I was unaware that there were safe and ethical ways of doing so.

Actually, that pink silkie is actually quite freaking cute isn't she?!
Yeah I apologize. You caught me, I originally wrote that last sentence and quickly removed it. It was my ignorance, as I was unaware that there were safe and ethical ways of doing so.

Actually, that pink silkie is actually quite freaking cute isn't she?!
there is trust me :lol: beet juice in my mind would be perfect for pink/red birds.
do you mean beetroot juice and will that stay permanent?
any dye will remain on the bird until it molts. You can use unsweetened koolaid, beets, hair dye, etc. Some give a bath in it, others spray it on. The longer it is on, the more that will be absorbed, and the more intense the colour will be. Some products will have more intensity than other.

Here are some photos of dyed silkies; the first was my bird, the others are not:

Dyeing a bird should not impact either its health or livelihood; why would it?.

One good reason not to dye a chicken a bright color is because it will make the chicken an easy target for a hawk. If the chicken is not ever out in the open, I guess that doesn't matter.

Dying chickens' feathers different colors just seems silly to me.
Well I have silkies and personally wouldn't die them colors. However if you MUST die it a color use a all natural die. I would think some hair dies are harsh and might burn their skin. I know when I do my hair it burns my ears if I get the dye on them. I also wouldn't want that chemical smell getting into their lungs. I'm sorry but those chemicals just CANT be good for the bird. If you HAVE to die it use cool aid or food coloring its MUCH safer!!! Id choose the food coloring . just put some food coloring and water in a tub and place her in it.it will die her like a Easter Egg. but unless you really want to die her for yourself I wouldn't do it.it will make her a BIGGER target for a hawlk or preditor. think about that. And don't worry about others calling her Gay. That's very immature and ridicoulas. Simply rise above the comments and be more mature than that. I don't know how old you are but one thing to learn in life is you can not worry so much about what other people say or do. Just rise above the immature comments because you have NOTHING to prove to others just to your self. So dyeing your bird will not prove a thing. I'm quite certain that the comments will continue to come. But if you MUST dye her please use a food coloring. you can get all colors in the grocery store for only about 1.50. very cheap. I wish you luck in what ever you decide to do but don't do this just to prove a point. Sounds like you WANT to dye her just to do it so do use the food coloring. please post her before and after pic when your done so we can see her after your done. Hope this helps you out and God Bless.
Well I have silkies and personally wouldn't die them colors. However if you MUST die it a color use a all natural die. I would think some hair dies are harsh and might burn their skin. I know when I do my hair it burns my ears if I get the dye on them. I also wouldn't want that chemical smell getting into their lungs. I'm sorry but those chemicals just CANT be good for the bird. If you HAVE to die it use cool aid or food coloring its MUCH safer!!! Id choose the food coloring . just put some food coloring and water in a tub and place her in it.it will die her like a Easter Egg. but unless you really want to die her for yourself I wouldn't do it.it will make her a BIGGER target for a hawlk or preditor. think about that. And don't worry about others calling her Gay. That's very immature and ridicoulas. Simply rise above the comments and be more mature than that. I don't know how old you are but one thing to learn in life is you can not worry so much about what other people say or do. Just rise above the immature comments because you have NOTHING to prove to others just to your self. So dyeing your bird will not prove a thing. I'm quite certain that the comments will continue to come. But if you MUST dye her please use a food coloring. you can get all colors in the grocery store for only about 1.50. very cheap. I wish you luck in what ever you decide to do but don't do this just to prove a point. Sounds like you WANT to dye her just to do it so do use the food coloring. please post her before and after pic when your done so we can see her after your done. Hope this helps you out and God Bless.
thanku for all ur kind comments and I've decided to to dye her rainbow and not to prove a point and she is quite safe would non toxic paint work for only other feathers
One good reason not to dye a chicken a bright color is because it will make the chicken an easy target for a hawk. If the chicken is not ever out in the open, I guess that doesn't matter.

Dying chickens' feathers different colors just seems silly to me.

Would have to agree. Granted it's nice to know that there are safe, non toxic dyes to put on your chickens. However my first knee jerk reaction was to worry about the animal. Had you read my other post you might've seen that.

(That was intended for sonoran silkie)
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Something to consider if she's in a flock and she comes back looking different she maybe subject to pecking.

How about a pink leg band to help her stand out and have some 'you go girl' color on her?

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