Egg bound?


9 Years
Jun 10, 2010
I think I have an egg bound BCM. She was perched on the nest box and panting rapidly. I picked her up and her vent was bulging a bit. I went through a few threads and thought she was probably egg bound. I put her in warm water for
Over an hour. I gently felt for an egg and it was there. She didn't even move when I did it! Must be painful without the exam.

Anyway, the egg has moved to just inside the vent opening and she is no longer panting. I put her in a cage in my kitchen. Do i Just let her try to naturally expel it or intervene? I lean toward letting her do it of course.
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Maybe she'll do it overnight with the darkened place and with relaxing. You could try greasing her up a bit, as best you can -- veggie oil, Vaseline, whatever. Good luck to both of you.
Ok, so the hen looks great, still hasn't passed the egg just inside her vent, but managed to expel a GIANT poop like I have never seen from a chicken. She looked extremely relieved. Erm, this poop was brown with a bunch of white, no worms. Possibly 3 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. It was like broody poop on steroids. Ick.

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