Egg Journals. What info do you record and what do you do with it?


8 Years
May 7, 2012
Bradenton, FL
First time Chicken owner who has 10 hens but only one is currently laying. Since she started laying I have been keeping records of how many eggs are being laid each day. I have also weighed each egg and recorded the weights as well. My main purpose is to see the growth of the eggs as they start laying and keeping a record of many eggs we are getting for each day, month and year. I hope to be able to tell which breeds are producing better. I would also like to know individual hens laying activity but I know this would be hard to monitor. I was wondering if anyone else is doing a similar records book and what they are using this for?
I keep a journal, but my purpose is different than yours. I want to make sure I'm making enough money to pay for the cost of the feed, and any other costs. I use a calendar. I write down how many eggs I get, how many I sell, and the cost of my feed and other items. I'm just trying to make sure the price of my eggs is paying for my hobby.
I put one together about 2 years into our chicken adventure. I did it mostly to be able to keep track of which chickens were from which batch, how old, molts, how well they're producingn, etc.
I started keeping a journal from the beginning of the year, just for curiosity. I enter the number of eggs collected during the day onto an excel spreadsheet - that calculates monthly and yearly (thinking ahead) totals. Yes, I have FAR too much time on my hands...

As of yesterday I average exactly two eggs per day from 6 hens (we are right in the middle of winter with heavy snowfall).

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I keep a journal, but my purpose is different than yours. I want to make sure I'm making enough money to pay for the cost of the feed, and any other costs. I use a calendar. I write down how many eggs I get, how many I sell, and the cost of my feed and other items. I'm just trying to make sure the price of my eggs is paying for my hobby.
x2 except I make enough money for extra's and even enough to pocket some. So my hobby is making money so it's great.

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