External pip on wrong side, no zipping please help


In the Brooder
May 9, 2022
Guys please help with this duck egg. It pipped on the pointy side and it's been now 28-30 hours since pip appeared . Started to zipped around 1pm today but only did a tiny bit and only putting peak in this same hole since then. Should I help or wait? Another eggs didn't pipped externally yet, not sure if did internally. It's the end of day 28 and I'm starting to really worry 😟


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Ok so we opened the shell in that place. I'm not sure if it's ready yet or jot. Still moving his beak in eating motion-does it mean it's still absorbing yolk? I've seen small wins on internal membrane so didn't open it much. We left it to rest now. Should I leave it to see if he will get out himself or should we fully open she'll and if so- when? I'm so stressed now 😫


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Ok so we opened the shell in that place. I'm not sure if it's ready yet or jot. Still moving his beak in eating motion-does it mean it's still absorbing yolk? I've seen small wins on internal membrane so didn't open it much. We left it to rest now. Should I leave it to see if he will get out himself or should we fully open she'll and if so- when? I'm so stressed now 😫
If he is still making the chewing motion, he is absorbing the yolk still. I'd let him sit for a few more hours. Make sure the membrane doesn't dry out.
Wee update. I took a bit more of the shell to be able to moisture membrane as saw it getting dryer and stick to chick. No veins left on it but not sure if he finished absorbing yolk yet. Duckling's head is on the other side from air cell plus its legs are over the head. Like it couldnt go any worse 🤦‍♀️Don't think he would hatch in that position at all. I'm not sure if there is anything else I can do, will just give him a time and see how it is in the morning. Just hoping he will make it 🙏.
Other 3 didn't pipped yet but are very active and eggs are moving constantly.
Wee update. I took a bit more of the shell to be able to moisture membrane as saw it getting dryer and stick to chick. No veins left on it but not sure if he finished absorbing yolk yet. Duckling's head is on the other side from air cell plus its legs are over the head. Like it couldnt go any worse 🤦‍♀️Don't think he would hatch in that position at all. I'm not sure if there is anything else I can do, will just give him a time and see how it is in the morning. Just hoping he will make it 🙏.
Other 3 didn't pipped yet but are very active and eggs are moving constantly.
Wrong end babies can take 48 hours or longer as they skip the internal 24 time frame needed to rest and absorb
I had one do this as well in January but my girl wasn’t able to pip out just left bruising. 52 hours from the time I made the safety hole till she came out and she still had a bit of yolk they took another 2 hours to absorb
So really 54 hours
Baby can breath just make sure humidity stays up and any membrane you have exposed moving shell stays moist
Use Vaseline it last much longer then coconut oil and they way you are bugging the baby less
I’ll tag @WVduckchick as she has lots of knowledge on assisting
Any updated pictures?
Sorry didn't even took a photo as was scared to keep it out of incubator for too long.
Thank you for all your help tho, it made it much easier 🙏🙏🙏

Anyway it's now out of the shell. It tried to stretch in the shell, then bounced up side down and get out without my further help. Was attached to the shell by tiny wee vein but no yolk left. It seems to be quite strong, moving around and peeping I spotted its beak isn't very straight, its going more on left side which don't know if can be caused by his position in egg and if it will straight up later or causing any problems? I will leave it in incubator now till dry out and will see how its getting on in the morning. Hope wee guy will make it all good after all the struggles


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