EZ Frame Chicken Coop Build



Crossing the Road
Apr 12, 2021
Sacramento Area, California
I have decided since I am now a full blown crazy chicken/quail lady, it is time to retire the prefabs and build more substantial coops.

This will be my very first attempt and while it’s still not 100% from solid 2x4s, it will be much better and should give me the confidence to build a bigger coop in the spring! I searched on here and couldn't find any threads on building with the EZ Frame plans, so i thought I'd make a thread and share the pain (and fun) 🙃

Feel free to follow along and share ideas as I go!
So this is the coop I purchased from EZ Frame. I ordered it the last week of August and FINALLY got it by Thanksgiving. Customer service and communications from them are slow and minimal, but when I talked to them, they were helpful and apologetic about the wait. I get the impression they are a very small business.


Anyway, the coop is a 38x60 inch footprint and meant to be a coop with run. It would be great for like two-3 chickens as it is described to be used. However, I’m actually going to make it two 30x38 coops for my tiny d’Anver project birds and the grow outs when needed. Each side will have an auto door and open to a large outdoor covered run for each coop.

While it took forever to arrive, the product seems well made and should serve its purpose well!
So yesterday I officially started! I counted out all the brackets and made sure they were all there. Then headed to Lowe’s with my packet and plans.



Lowe’s did all of the wood cuts I needed which was awesome. We don’t have a ton of tools or experience cutting wood, so it was much easier to go this route! I bought the 2x2s and handed the paper to the guy and away he went!


While he cut I gathered some other things, including the screws and primer/wood sealant. I don’t know if it was the best choice and I may regret it, but I got liquid white flexseal as the sealant.

I tested with a small spare piece of wood, and it did not deter the board from going inside the brackets, which was my concern! It’s tight but should work! Today I took the largest pieces and painted them and now they are drying!


I had to quit after this round because of the fumes and my arms got tired! 😆 I wish painting didn’t take so long…waiting patiently for things to dry is NOT my forte! It’s also crazy windy and rainy here so I can’t do any other site prep either.

Tomorrow I will paint the other sides of the boards that are dry and also paint some of the roof joists and trusses.
So this is the coop I purchased from EZ Frame. I ordered it the last week of August and FINALLY got it by Thanksgiving. Customer service and communications from them are slow and minimal, but when I talked to them, they were helpful and apologetic about the wait. I get the impression they are a very small business.

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Anyway, the coop is a 38x60 inch footprint and meant to be a coop with run. It would be great for like two-3 chickens as it is described to be used. However, I’m actually going to make it two 30x38 coops for my tiny d’Anver project birds and the grow outs when needed. Each side will have an auto door and open to a large outdoor covered run for each coop.

While it took forever to arrive, the product seems well made and should serve its purpose well!
That looks like a fun project and I love that your doubling it ❤️. That does look like it'll be easy to build!
It's great that you're documenting this system. That will be really helpful to people in the future. :)

Where is the ventilation in that coop? I'm concerned that a company that would provide a chicken coop kit so small that it's measured in inches rather than feet would also measure the ventilation in inches. :(

I get to decide! That why I picked it! I’m building the ventilation into my design myself :-D I need a lot because our summers are SO hot! Thank you for the link on ventilation I want to make sure my ideas make sense! I know it sounds small, but they are tiny birds and will have a lot of run to make up for it and the run will be covered so they can be out in the elements :)

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