Falling Down Heights, my daily life

Well, this is a surprise. 6 duck eggs supposed to go into lockdown on Sunday. Decided to candle. Air cells down and several shadowing. Guess I'm going to have more babies before I expected to!

They'll have to hatch out in the MeeF. The Maticoopx is overfull. I was going to candle those on Sunday and make some switch-overs but I guess that plan just went out the window! LOL

Hopefully the new babies won't disturb the other eggs too much. I may try to figure out some sort of barrier.
Two eggs are externally pipped. The other three have movement. Tossed the sixth one as it was kinda yellowy inside and there were no veins or movement. Did NOT want a repeat of an exploding egg! :sick

Did a very quick candle of the massive clutch in the Matioopx (three eggs, official candle tonight) and one was clear, another looked like it had the starts of something but may have quit, and the third was definitely developing! Considering how old these eggs are, if I get 1/3 of them to hatch I will be very happy!

So far, knock on wood, I have only lost one baby (the chick with the deformed spine, back in March). That's not counting any that failed to hatch (I think maybe three of those?).

Little Derpy, the duckling with the misformed bill, is doing great! The bill is almost completely scissored though but he eats with gusto. He's nowhere near as big as his hatchmates though.

Goslings are doing well! They love to nibble on me. I hope they outgrow that though, I don't need adult geese trying to eat me!
Two eggs are externally pipped. The other three have movement. Tossed the sixth one as it was kinda yellowy inside and there were no veins or movement. Did NOT want a repeat of an exploding egg! :sick

Did a very quick candle of the massive clutch in the Matioopx (three eggs, official candle tonight) and one was clear, another looked like it had the starts of something but may have quit, and the third was definitely developing! Considering how old these eggs are, if I get 1/3 of them to hatch I will be very happy!

So far, knock on wood, I have only lost one baby (the chick with the deformed spine, back in March). That's not counting any that failed to hatch (I think maybe three of those?).

Little Derpy, the duckling with the misformed bill, is doing great! The bill is almost completely scissored though but he eats with gusto. He's nowhere near as big as his hatchmates though.

Goslings are doing well! They love to nibble on me. I hope they outgrow that though, I don't need adult geese trying to eat me!
My goslings liked to nibble on me, too, but at not quite a year old they don't do it anymore. They DO, however, let me handle them, even picking them off their nests to check for extra eggs! Hopefully, your geese will be likewise!šŸ¤ž
That was a disappointment. I didn't think I'd get a high development rate from these eggs, but I hoped for a bit more that three. :( I'll let them incubate for a last chance at more Magpie.

In other news, I think 4 of the 5 lockdown eggs have externally pipped.

This will be it for me this year I think, I'll reserve the incubators for any eggs left behind in broody nests.
The goslings are growing so fast!!! Took them out for a bit of sunshine, planning to put them in a pen, but they wanted nothing to do with it! Refused to go into the pen! So I decided to see if they would follow me around. AND THEY DID! The most adorable thing ever!

Prior to this, I'd just snuggle with them on my lap.

We didn't stay out long, little Winney (previously Filly) was panting, but I didn't put them back in their cage. They are now contentedly napping at my feet, making little happy trilling noises.




The goslings are growing so fast!!! Took them out for a bit of sunshine, planning to put them in a pen, but they wanted nothing to do with it! Refused to go into the pen! So I decided to see if they would follow me around. AND THEY DID! The most adorable thing ever!

Prior to this, I'd just snuggle with them on my lap.

We didn't stay out long, little Winney (previously Filly) was panting, but I didn't put them back in their cage. They are now contentedly napping at my feet, making little happy trilling noises.

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They are positively adorable Wind! ā¤ļø
Today, I found my first ever morel mushroom!!! Kinda been looking for some around the trees and such without any luck, and of course I almost stepped on one just outside the house, in front of the shed! Tonight, I make myself a duck egg omelette with morel mushroom and asparagus!

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