Favorite Roosters.

My 3 roos are:

Gus, my Rhode Island Red. He's the top dog. I plan on using him to make sexlinks, both Red & Blk Star. And he's got his own RIR pullets too, so I can keep that bloodline pure.

Atticus, my Barred Rock, is the apple of my eye. He has his own BR girls as well. I'ma big fan of this breed.

Gentry, is my Buff Orp & he's got his own girls also.

This Spring I'm adding an Ancona & Silver Spanlged Hamburg roos to the mix. Possibly a Wyandotte too.
Here's some pictures of snowball
my roo, he was a bantam salmon favorelle cross and he was just gorgeous, so soft to me but agressive to everyone else, which unforunately became his downfall when he went for my young nephew. but anyhow, here's some pics of him


One of the last pictures we have of him


He was fantastic with the chicks


Posing with some chocolates on valentines day
Hi Eric,
This is a pic of Twinkie our Buff Orp. rooster. He's a good man and really looks after his girls. We got our first chicks last spring, I orders barred rocks and buff orp girls because I didn't want a rooster. Well, you can clearly see Twinkie is not a girl. If, or rather when I get another rooster I'll get a Barred rock. I just love that breed. It's pretty cold here today and the Barred rocks aren't fussy about going out in the snow and I like that about them. Jen

Ok, got the camara charged on a day the sun came out! Shock!

Anyway, here are my roos:

This is Rocky the Barred Rock.


Ricky the Red Sexlink


And Bertram who is Marans. Actually my favorite of all my standard roos

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Kitsune and chickenfarmer,
Your roos are very good looking birds! I would be happy with either one, but I would probably stay away from a Bantam with my rather "large ladies" I plan on getting. Maybe that makes no difference.
Twinkie just doesn't quite fit as a name! I understand that he was supposed to be a she, but I hope he doesn't have any issues with his rather "cute" name. He looks like a proud rooster!

I can't seem to see your pic. Is it just me?


ok, there they are!

Wow, these are all so nice! that Marans has a beautiful tail! And that Barred Rock is just awesome!

man, how do you pick just one when you have a smallish flock? Do you think two roosters would be ok for 15 hens?
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Hi Again Eric,
Yes, poor Twinkie. The name doesn't fit in the least and I hope he isn't scarred for life. That's what happens when you let an 8 year old do the naming. Funny thing was, none of us liked it and tried to change it but none of the other names stuck......so Twinkie he is! I know you'll do better when you get your rooster. Good luck, Jen
Foghorn, I have 2 roos, Rocky & Ricky, in the same flock but I have 20 hens and they free range. Rocky is alpha and really goes after Ricky sometimes. I think the rule of thumb is 1 roo for 12 hens = good fertility. But, I think for your situation it's going to depend on the temperament of the roos, the size of the coop and pen, and do they free range? The problem of too many roos concerns more than just them fighting. They also will compete for hens which means they will breed too much, sometimes even fighting over the same hen, and the hens will suffer. In my situation, the flock, which was given to me, already came with the 2 roos so I let them be to see how it would work. So far it's ok since they free range but if I had to keep them penned Ricky would have to go. hth.
WOW!! What beautiful roosters here. I would love to share some pictures of my rooster!!

My favorite rooster is Jack. (He is also my only rooster.)
Here he is with all of his girls except Buffy, though I am sure she is close by.

And here he is again with his little bantams girls.

They all get along quite well. Lucky, the barred rock hen is the alpha hen.
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Buff Orps are a safe bet for a nice rooster, especially if you have kids around. Here's my Jack.


As an added incentive Buff Orps usually make great daddy's, here is his -oh so handsome- son Leif.


And his lovely daughter Nekoda.


They both have a Barred Rock mother, so you could end up with some chicks like this. Pretty tempting, huh?

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