Fellow Horse People! Let's see your pics!

Yes this is the only issue I have heard as well. So if you have a horse with heaves you need to move the chickens far away from the barn and pasture

I just got chickens for the first time and hope my horses do not develope heaves from them. But if they do I will have to get rid of my flock or move them to the back acreage. However, I have a neighbor that is somewhat close that keeps chickens and guinese(sp) and the guinese(sp) would visit my horses and I did not have any breathing issues in my small herd

*crosses fingers* I want real eggs not those fake things the grocery store sells.
*crosses fingers* I want real eggs not those fake things the grocery store sells.

oh don't worry about that, ur eggs are going to be amazing.

I remember how good my chickens eggs used to taste..they were HUGE too.

I told myself I would never eat store bought eggs again
of course, I was forced to when I got rid of my chickens:(
Here is my tiny contribution to this page.



Big Ben is a 32'' tall 3 year old mini. He's so small I can brush him on one side and then lean over his back and do the other side all the way down to his hooves which are tiny. I actually laughed the first time I cleaned his hooves- the sole of his hoof is only a little larger than a quarter! I had to adjust the bucket holder in the stall to accommodate him I had to put it -no kidding- 2'' off the floor. It was quite a shock because my other horse is a 16 hand retired racehorse- I can't even see over his back.

Here you can see the size difference.


He was a stud when we got him, but we had him gelded last fall. He used to nip constantly and nothing would stop him, but since the 15 minute operation the nipping has stopped completely it was amazing! -I really didn't expect it to help that much. He's a little sweetie now, and bombproof too! He helped us build the new coop and wasn't fazed by nail guns, skill saws, hammers or anything else. I'm sold on mini's, now all I have to do is to invent a shrink ray so I can ride him!
Hey Ella, why don't you drive him? That's what most people do with their Mini's. I had a Mini but I bought him to sell him because he was show material and there just wasn't enough intest in my area.
he's now a fabulous show stallion winning tons of ribbons and trophy's!

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