Finding extra rooster a home


13 Years
Sep 13, 2010
Raymond, CA
Last summer I raised Buff Orpington roos for my butcher chickens. There was one that the other roosters picked on so I brought him down to my hen house to save his life. He has grown into a very nice fellow but I don't need an extra rooster. What is the best way to find him a good home? I'd prefer he didn't end up in someone's stew pot.
I usually sell or give away on Craig's List. Just be sure to specify that he is to a good home only, and NOT to be eaten. Good luck!
When you re-home an animal, it's no longer yours. You take the chance that it will end up in someone's freezer. How do you know, after you sell or give it away what the new owner does with it? Check up on it? What if it's in the freezer already? Take it back? Sorry if I'm sounding snarky - really not trying to be. I just don't think it's reasonable to try to control what happens to an animal you no longer want to keep. If you're that worried about it, you really should find a way to keep it yourself. You know what the outcome is, that way.

ETA - My chickens do have a good home. From the time they arrive, until they end up in jars. (I can my old layers - makes them very tender)
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I would put a price tag on him of $3-5. While not much, it will help weed out idiots, people looking for a free meal and hoarders. People get excited about free but if they have to pay for it, even a few dollars, then they are invested.

The woman we got our cochin roo from had him posted on CL for $5 and after we drove out there and spoke with her, she gave him to us for free after she knew that we would keep him and not eat him.

Food for thought, no pun intended.
Thanks, that's a good idea. I guess I just have a soft spot for him since he had such a rough start in life. I ate his brothers with no issues since they were all such jerks!
Well we are going to be moving or I would keep him. Sorry if my post bothered you.

I hate that we can't "read tone". I wasn't trying to be harsh. It was more of a general "you" as in, people in general. Honestly, I do understand getting attached - especially if it's one you've had to care for specially. I truly do hope you can find a home for your rooster where he can be the main man to a flock of nice hens.
I have had very good luck re-homing our excess roosters by posted an ad on freecyle. Just google freecycle, it is a free yahoo group. I don't like to let go of them knowing they will become food, but then again I know that once they are off the farm so to speak, I just don't really know. To combat that, I sorta just paint a nice picture in my head of my happy little rooster having a good life somewhere else.

Not overly realistic but it makes me feel better. All we can do in life is the best we can.
Good luck finding your little guy a new home.
where are you located? Maybe someone on here is near you and will want him. I know if you or someone like you was near me, I would take him and give him a good home. I'm sure plenty of others here would as well!

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