First time broody does it!!!


12 Years
May 22, 2007
south east MI
I went out to open up the hen "dog house" and check on the eggs she was on. Today is day 20. At first I was shocked because I saw an empty shell and then I saw the chickie!!! I am so excited it actually worked!!! Now 2 more have hatched and the other 3 have pipped. I just watched one hatch out that I considered tossing out about a week and a half ago. It had a stain on the shell, looked like it was leaking or something. I figured it was dead, but wasn't sure so I kept it and figured I would have to toss it out later. I am glad I waited!!! It is a cute little buff silkie. I have 3 blue/splash and 3 buffs. Yipee over here!!!!

Wooo Hoooo!!

I have a broody hen out in the barn stall right now (she jumped over the pasture fence) and I'm thinking of sticking a few eggs under her but first I need a safe place to put her into (for at night). What kind of 'dog house' are you using? I have a plastic type dog crate that I was thinking of using then I could lock her in for the night but she would be free to come and go during the day if needed.
It is one my friend gave me. Her husband made it big enough for their 2 labs to sleep in. I need to make some adjustments to it (like venting and a more secure door), but it works well for silkies. We have 4 hens already and now 6 chicks. My kids begged me to hatch eggs out. We are only keeping 2 of the babies (I hope only 2), the rest we will sell. I am running out of room!!
I'm getting 2 silkie roosters tomorrow (the previous owner said they are buddies so she wants them to be sold together)--now all I need is a few silkie hens to go with them
. I've never owned silkies before!

My broody hen is a red sex link...I didn't think that they went broody but she's been on the nest for 3 days now. I bring her in at night and she's back on the nest as soon as I let them out in the morning.

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