Fluid when candling


10 Years
Oct 19, 2009
Saint Helens, Oregon
Tomorrow is lockdown so I candled my 6 eggs and all but 1 has fluid up by the air sack. When I shine the light by the air cell and move the egg from side to side is when I can see the fluid. Are they not going to make it? I have never seen this before. This is my second attempt in hatching shipped eggs. If these don't make it i'm not ever hatching eggs again....So upset!
Fluid near the air cell typically means your humidity was too high throughout incubation. If I were you, I'd candle your eggs again and mark the air cells. If your eggs are laying on their sides, try to place the lowest part of the air cell up (they usually pip at the lowest part). If they're in cartons, since they're shipped, try to lean them so the fluid is away from that low spot.

I wish I would've seen this earlier so you could've done that before you locked down. But, if they're that wet, I don't think any harm will come from you opening up the incubator and repositioning them. You could also try running your humidity a bit lower at lockdown and hatch time.
Good luck!
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I wouldn't even raise that humidity UNTIL the first pip, and maybe even not then, as that first hatchling will raise the humidity for the ones following. It could be that your temp was a bit low, so there's a bit of extra space because they still have growing to do. Have you seen any movement when doing the last candling?
I wouldn't even raise that humidity UNTIL the first pip, and maybe even not then, as that first hatchling will raise the humidity for the ones following. It could be that your temp was a bit low, so there's a bit of extra space because they still have growing to do. Have you seen any movement when doing the last candling?

No. The eggs are blue and green so can't see much. I know that they have progressed because there is no room in the eggs except for the air cell. I could also still see some veins.
Keep us posted!

I will for sure! I didn't think any were going to make it. As of right now, 2 have zipped and 2 others are rocking in the eggs. I have 6 that have made it to lockdown.

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