Found in the nesting box, what is it?

I did catch all the other girls, checked their fluffybutts and cleaned them up where necessary. Two of them had poop caked on their feathers but it came off and I put some hydrocortisone cream where the skin was a little red and irritated. No open wounds for anyone else.
I did catch all the other girls, checked their fluffybutts and cleaned them up where necessary. Two of them had poop caked on their feathers but it came off and I put some hydrocortisone cream where the skin was a little red and irritated. No open wounds for anyone else.
Wait, red and iritated? Poopy buts? That sounds a bit like vent gleet. I would do some research and take a closer look.
Wait, red and iritated? Poopy buts? That sounds a bit like vent gleet. I would do some research and take a closer look.
I've seen vent fleet on someone else's chickens. But this isn't that, their vents aren't red, it's their bellies. It has rained alot in the past week so it's hard to find a dry place for dirt bathing. I think it is related to all the moisture they can't get away from except for their nice dry coop. And they all would rather come out during the day.
I've seen vent fleet on someone else's chickens. But this isn't that, their vents aren't red, it's their bellies. It has rained alot in the past week so it's hard to find a dry place for dirt bathing. I think it is related to all the moisture they can't get away from except for their nice dry coop. And they all would rather come out during the day.
Oh. Thats good. Phew. Putting anti fungal cream on chicken buts is zero fun. I speak from experience.
Since we've been getting so much rain, the run has stayed wet. They started with grass which we all know quickly turned to dirt. We've been putting leaves in the run in the fall and wood shavings from in the coop when I clean it out but lately we put grass clippings in there. They stay wet and it's a stinky mess. I want to rake everything out but what do we need to put in the run for them to scratch around in? Has anyone had any luck with sand?
The run gets sun in the afternoon but is shared all morning.
Since we've been getting so much rain, the run has stayed wet. They started with grass which we all know quickly turned to dirt. We've been putting leaves in the run in the fall and wood shavings from in the coop when I clean it out but lately we put grass clippings in there. They stay wet and it's a stinky mess. I want to rake everything out but what do we need to put in the run for them to scratch around in? Has anyone had any luck with sand?
The run gets sun in the afternoon but is shared all morning.
You need wood chips as the base material for aeration and drainage. Don't put in grass clippings at all unless they're dried out a bit, as fresh or wet clippings mat down and get stinky very easily otherwise.

Sand works best in an arid environment.

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