Galvanised drinker leaking


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 7, 2013
Devon, UK
Hi everyone. I recently got my chickens a new galvanised feeder and drinker. The feeder is great, however the drinker just keeps pouring water over the edge by where they actually drink from! I'm having to top it up 2/3 times a day, it's a 9ltr drinker! Has anyone else had this problem? Any help please?
It could be rusted but that is unlikely if it is new or the top of the drinker might not be on tight enough or defective stoping the drinker from making a proper seal thus allowing air to flow in and out of the drinker which leads to water leaking out.

Sorry if that is hard to understand I didn't want to turn it into a entire science lesson. I had the same problem with my plastic drinker when I didn't make the lid tight enough.
I just came here today to search for a solution to this exact problem. Not sure if you found the other thread I saw, but the solution I found was to fill the TOP and see if it is leaking. (Ours was.) If there is a leak, it is not sealing properly and someone suggested sealing the seams with silicone. I can tell you that we did it and it is working now!! Hope that helps.
I think I know what you mean. So where you put the water in, when the lid is on its not air tight? And I need to maybe put a big rubber o-ring on where the top part twists on?
No what you just said is not what it needs, do not put a rubber o-ring on it. The top part of the galvanized waterer most likely has a leak allowing AIR to enter the waterer which lets water flow out the bottom. Even if the washer on the little spring loaded valve is bad the waterer shouldn't leak. The only way for water to run out of it is when AIR goes in.

Most likely your waterer has developed an AIR leak around where the handle attaches to the lid. You can carry it by this but it is not designed to be hung up by the handle(not saying your hanging it). To find your AIR leak, take the top off and turn it upside down and fill the top with water, you should see where the water is escaping and that is where your AIR leak is. Use some silicone gasket maker like RTV Blue silicone, available at auto parts store or auto section of Walmart, To seal the AIR leak from inside. It will work better on the inside than outside. Wait till it dries completely and refill the waterer and put the lid on. If there are no more AIR leaks the waterer should then work fine.

I tried to explain this the best I could, if you still need more help don't hesitate to ask. The science behind the theory about how these works is the same for nearly all the waterers of this type including the plastic ones as well. Water can't escape the reservoir unless air can
get in. When the birds drink the water down it generally uncovers a small hole or in this case the entire top which allows air to enter, when air enters water escapes untill it covers the hole or top. If it leaks you have to find where air is entering and seal it up to prevent more water than needed to come out.
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Ahhh I'm with you now! I filled the lid, and yes I have a leak! I've sealed it, it's just sat in the sun drying so ill try again in a minute :)
Still no luck :( this is the one I have, I've got the 9ltr one. The top part that comes off is air tight now, I can fill that with water and it doesn't leak. It's still leaking out the bottom part though. Where the chickens drink from and where the water sits, it's just coming up over the sides. I've levelled it as best as possible but still no good, it just won't stop! Any more advice, before I ask for a refund? The water comes out the hole at the bottom quite quick?
I've never seen that particular brand. I don't believe they sell it in the United States. Its time to ask for a refund if possible.

Did you check after your repair to confirm that you no longer had a leak in the top?
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