
Crossing the Road
Apr 12, 2021
Sacramento Area, California
This isn’t an emergency post, it is more for others who want to see what this looks like on a chicken. I finally have confirmation and just wanted to share.

She (12 week old Lav Orpington) presented with one leg out in front of her and unable to walk on it and was very thin. As you can imagine i immediately thought OMG it’s Mareks. However, when I looked over her leg the joint felt warm like it was in pain and as I looked further I discovered black scabs running up the leg and under her wing to the top of the knee. Under the skin was blue and around it was redness and missing feathers 😢

Today she is on day 6 of 250 mg of Amoxicillin and receives an every other day dose of B Complex, E, poultry cell, and smidge of iodine. She also gets daily baths to soften the scabs, then I douse the scabs in iodine and follow up with chlorohexidine foam. I have also been feeding her eggs that have poultry cell or Nutridrench and a splash of iodine. From the first day to now, the scabs have receded, she’s gained weight, the tissue is less blue, and I’m not finding new scabs. She is definitely a small, perhaps weaker bird, much like my Polish that died with black scabs that I couldn’t get confirmed in time, but she has a lot more will to live so I have hope!

I hope sharing this will help others. I googled like crazy and found very little about it as it relates to backyard chickens and not commercial broiler operations, so I wanted to help provide some info to others like me. I believe this is an issue in just my one coop that may not be drying out fast enough after the rains we get so I will be addressing that asap! I am also going to be disinfecting the coop, run, and soil, feeders and waterers…covering the entire coop and run in First Saturday Lime and brand new pine shavings bedding. Hopeful this resolves things 🥺


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