GM Foods and what they are doing to us...

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Mom'sfolly, see post #28 to your post #21. I'm sorry I missed your post on how you didn't know the seed industry has/is making better corn hybrids for nutrition as well as nitrogen fixing, drought tolerant, etc....

Purdue University actually gave the gene to the industry that would stop protein deficiency in children in third world countries. When the private breeder companies gave this to other countries with better genetics, they refused to eat it because it wasn't the same texture or color as the "flint" corn they were used to. Sad but true. & no they weren't GMO's.

Purdue grads, help me out, I've forgotten his name and the grad assistant that actually did the leg work. As he should be recognized by this board. Dr. Mertz, couldn't find grad students name
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Points have been made. Now go forth and start some threads about the positive things in your lives.
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