Goose pool - how to keep clean?


6 Years
Jun 23, 2015
Hi there! Does anyone know of a safe way to keep a goose pool clean? I have an 80 gallon polyester foldable pool, I’m on my second in a year and it works pretty good. Lately though, it’s been filling up with green slimy stuff. I mean, sure - I can empty it and clean it, but it happens pretty fast and I’m looking to not do that much maintenance if I could avoid it. Is there anything safe that you’ve heard of that can help in this situation? I live in Florida so I think it’s pollen and a bunch of goose poop and algae. I don’t want to put bleach in there. I’m just curious what this group might think could work. Thanks

edit: found someone else asking the same here
Geese do nasty stuff to their water. They poop in it and they wash their mouths out in it. I don't believe there's any good way except dumping and refilling on a regular basis. Any sort of filters couldn't keep up.

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