Got my first chicks today!


9 Years
Feb 2, 2010
Boulder, Colorado
I picked up 8 5-day old pullets today! They are so cute!

I think I figured everything out - they are still alive so far! They all seem to be eating and drinking and pooping.

They do seem to prefer to huddle in a corner away from the heat lamp, but they aren't panting or too cold (I think).

I have paper towels over their pine shavings in a box covered by a window screen. How often do I need to clean their poop up? I'm paranoid that they're going to get coccidiosis or whatever you call it!

just wanted to say congrats and im sure someone will chime in with the info your looking for... Arnet they just the cutest things ever...
gonna be all grown up before ya know it so enjoy..
Hey Sarah, you'll know what to do about the dooo!

Have fun, I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations on your new babies!
If they are preferring to huddle in a corner away from the light, it could be that the brooder is too warm. Do you have some sort of thermometer that you could put in there to check the temp? During the first week it is supposed to be 95 degrees F. Each week after that, you should be able to drop the temperature by 5 degrees. You can do this by adjusting the height of the lamp.
As far as cleaning up their poo, I would say you should clean it up (change paper towels, etc.) when you think it looks like it needs a change.
I don't know what your setup is for water, but if you have a shallow dish for that, you might want to put a few marbles in it so that the babies are less likely to slip in and drown. Those can be removed in a week or two.

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