Grit Substitute for Ducklings


Jul 12, 2016
I live in a remote area and there are no feed stores close by. I have acquired 5 ducklings that I have been feeding with DuMoore chick starter. I want to add some mashed up fruit to their diet (strawberries, kiwi and blueberries) but the feed store was out of grit when I drove there and I won't be able to get to another store for awhile. What can I use in place of commercial chick grit? Can something like Quaker Grits be used (hominy grits)? It has the same texture as chick grit and contains hominy which is just corn which I feed to my older ducks. What do ducklings eat in place of grit in the wild? I'm assuming something that has the same texture as grit like sand or broken shells (clams, sea slugs, mussels). BTW, I tried to give them shredded lettuce and they were disinterested because I suppose they had no grid to process it with. Thanks.
I live in a remote area and there are no feed stores close by. I have acquired 5 ducklings that I have been feeding with DuMoore chick starter. I want to add some mashed up fruit to their diet (strawberries, kiwi and blueberries) but the feed store was out of grit when I drove there and I won't be able to get to another store for awhile. What can I use in place of commercial chick grit? Can something like Quaker Grits be used (hominy grits)? It has the same texture as chick grit and contains hominy which is just corn which I feed to my older ducks. What do ducklings eat in place of grit in the wild? I'm assuming something that has the same texture as grit like sand or broken shells (clams, sea slugs, mussels). BTW, I tried to give them shredded lettuce and they were disinterested because I suppose they had no grid to process it with. Thanks.

You can always order baby grit online.
I am frankly terrified of letting them free range with all the cats owls raccoons and predators. I got the to replace the call duck and chicken that were brutally attacked by raccoons. I won't even let my little dog out off leash. I did find grit today at tractor feed but it was nothing more than crushed granite at $8 a pound. The size of the pebbles seemed too large for my ducklongs. next time I'll just gather some in my yard. I've learned my lesson. Does anyone know if medicated chick starter is ok for Bantam ducklings at one week? That's all they had in stock and nobody around here carries Mazuri watèfowl starter. I raised my ancona ducklings on it and they are beautiful. It takes forever to arrive and even the ground shippi g is alot. These ducklings were unplanned otherwise I would have had the feed on hand.
Yes, I'm still traumatized from coming home to my favorite rooster eaten through the holes in the wire enclosure. I saw nothing but his legs sticking up in the air. If I would have arrived a minute earlier he would still be alive. There was nothing left of the duck but a pile of feathers. We tried to get the raccoon, but it was growling at us and being aggressive. We think the two sets of eyes in the darkness were its babies. I installed an electric fence after that and so far its been fairly peaceful, but I'm a nervous wreck!

I live half an hour from anything that looks like civilization, and timing is critical when you have animals at home. Road closures happen all the time during the summer when tourists drink too much and get into unfamiliar territory and roads.
Wow ....Your poor animals gave no life then?.....Sad to read...
I just reread your comment with the typo- "g" instead of "h" for have (to err in spelling is human, my posting is full of typos):
My animals do have a life, a wonderful life at that, to suggest otherwise is unfair. But I am having a problem with aggressive raccoons. Possibly because I was on vacation for several weeks (with my animals because they have an owner who cares). My 5 pound Papillon is especially vulnerable to predators and will not go out unsupervised till I'm convinced there is no danger from predators that include cougars and bears, which I have seen in my woods.

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