Growth under beak


13 Years
Sep 13, 2010
Raymond, CA

I posted before with no responses. So I am hoping someone has an idea what this might be. It is a firm, fast growing growth. No other symptoms and she seems to feel fine.
IMO it is either a tumor or an abscess.
Abscesses can feel quite firm even thou filled with pus.

Have you or would you carefully feel the swelling and determine if any part of it is soft?

-If yes, then try lancing that area.

-If no, try using a needle/syringe to see if you can aspirate any pus.

If you are uncomfortable with trying this, then do you have a vet who will treat chickens?
I will check it tonight to see if any part of it is soft. I'm comfortable with trying to aspirate and see what's inside. I also bought some antibiotics just in case. I haven't started her on them yet as I need to separate her from the flock. Thanks..
It feels pretty solid. I tried to aspirate and wasn't able to aspirate anything. It bled a little after I removed the needle. Not sure what to do for the poor girl. She's about 3 years old..
If she is eating, drinking and pooping and acting normally then this is not likely a systemic problem. They can act quite normal up til almost the end :(
If you are not positive about other issues, I would isolate her and make sure she is normal in all other things.

IMO with the tumor being solid it is likely a tumor and not an abscess or cyst. Although some abscesses are firm until they "point".

There are a number of other types of tumors it could be - and those would require a vet to do biopsies to get a diagnosis.

Antibiotics won't hurt - and isolated you can accomplish treating only her

If you have access to an Avian Vet or other Vet with bird experience, then please contact them.

If you don't have that available - you could call your County Agent to see if they can pass the pic and question onto Avian Health folks to get some advice on what next.
I can't really tell from the photo, but could this be something that resulted from an injury to the lower part of her beak?

I am sorry for your troubles. :(

I would say it is a cancer tumour..Sorry, but I can almost bet money that is what it is!?
Also...Chickens are the best at hiding disease or illness until they are really sick...

Good luck

I can't really tell from the photo, but could this be something that resulted from an injury to the lower part of her beak?

I am sorry for your troubles. :(


I agree with both of you.

The 2 top tumors in that area would be either a type of cancer ( ? squamous cell) or a granuloma ( from a healing injury).

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