Hello Chicky Peeps I'm very eggsicted to be along on our journey as we unfold new discovery in the world as we know as Chicken Mama's Forever.


In the Brooder
May 4, 2024
Hello fellow chicky peeps, I have recently gotten into hatching and incubating my backyard hens eggs.. I have a varitey of chickens White leghorns, Prairie Blue Bells, Olive eggers, Crested Cream Legbars, Cuckoo Marans and 1 Buff laced Polish Roo (Buffy). I have recently hatched 4 silkies from my Neighbor started out with 8 eggs and by lockdown only 4 eggs went in.
I am loving my eggpierence and being able to share it with my Grandchildren. This website is my go to for anything I need to figure out...Looking forward to learning from ya guys out in Backyard chicken land...:)🥰

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