Hello from British Columbia!

16 and me

Oct 31, 2022
I am a new chicken mama after inheriting 13 hens and 2 roos early this summer. I have a mixed flock, all heritage breeds I was told, but I haven't yet figured out what breeds they all are! I have:
  1. Silver laced Wyandotte
  2. Wellsummer
  3. Russian Orloff
  4. Buff Orpington
  5. 2 speckled sussex
  6. 2 Easter eggers
  7. Olive egger - is that a thing? She seems to be an EE cross
  8. Americauna Roo
  9. Polish Roo
The other 4 hens I don't know yet, but I adore them all! And in August, little Annie my Buff Orpington hatched 6 new chicks - 5 of which are cockerels... Bye bye babies. But 1 little white Easter egger, named Grace will stay with our flock.

I have much to learn, but these birds have weapped me around their little claws. Especially Annie, who stuck it out for 3 weeks in a little 1'×1' box for 3 weeks in the hottest summer on record just so she could give me 5 cockerels and a pullet!

Throughout the learning curve, every time I had a question, I'd google and the question would inevitably have been asked on BYC, so I have already been blessed. To leverage the wealth of knowledge from this community! Thank you!

here are a few of my darlings!
1st pic is Rachel, not sure what she is, but lays brown eggs. 2nd is Grace, my new EE chick,


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