Have you seen or heard any scuffles going on between the ducks?

Have you seen her preening or scratching more than usual?

So far the only things that come to my mind is that she’s breaking blood feathers possible defending herself.

She has mites and is injuring herself trying to get at where it hurts.

she has a vitamin deficiency that’s causing poor feather development.
Sure looks like maybe the other duck is messing with her, it happens. Have you noticed any chewing going on from the other duck? Or maybe she is catching them in something like fencing?
@Goosebaby thank you for the response -- no scuffles that I've seen. The two I have have been together all along and I haven't seen them get aggressive towards one another at all.

Good news update: Her poop is looking much more normal over the past few hours! I hope this means she's getting her appetite back. My husband also thinks she looks like she's doing more preening, she looks better than she did yesterday / less unkempt.

I was able to get a video and attached a couple more photos. https://vimeo.com/822568809?share=copy


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Sure looks like maybe the other duck is messing with her, it happens. Have you noticed any chewing going on from the other duck? Or maybe she is catching them in something like fencing?
Ah I didn't think of that!! She was outside in their new coop this week when the weather cooperated. That would make sense.
Sometimes just flapping their wings and hitting them on fencing etc can cause bleeding in these feather tips. They are full of blood.
You can also try some soupy feed using warm water and making her feed like soup, sometimes when they don't have an appetite they will drink their feed. Always worth a try.
Sometimes just flapping their wings and hitting them on fencing etc can cause bleeding in these feather tips. They are full of blood.
You can also try some soupy feed using warm water and making her feed like soup, sometimes when they don't have an appetite they will drink their feed. Always worth a try.
That's helpful!! Thank you!!
@Goosebaby thank you for the response -- no scuffles that I've seen. The two I have have been together all along and I haven't seen them get aggressive towards one another at all.

Good news update: Her poop is looking much more normal over the past few hours! I hope this means she's getting her appetite back. My husband also thinks she looks like she's doing more preening, she looks better than she did yesterday / less unkempt.

I was able to get a video and attached a couple more photos. https://vimeo.com/822568809?share=copy
@Kiki I meant to tag you too! I've uploaded a video.
Update: Still looking for help. She is still acting sluggish and has diarrhea. Trying to sleep but standing up. Her wings are very twitching, like she keeps readjusting them.
Update: Still looking for help. She is still acting sluggish and has diarrhea. Trying to sleep but standing up. Her wings are very twitching, like she keeps readjusting them.
She could be anemic from repeated blood loss, there could also be a few different things going on.

do you have any rooster booster poultry cell?

Also what does her diarrhea look like? Is there mucous? Intestinal lining, it will look like salmon colored goo? Red, black, white, pink, brown, bright greed coloring?
She could be anemic from repeated blood loss, there could also be a few different things going on.

do you have any rooster booster poultry cell?

Also what does her diarrhea look like? Is there mucous? Intestinal lining, it will look like salmon colored goo? Red, black, white, pink, brown, bright greed coloring?
No, I don't have any of that, but I can get some. Her diarrhea is very watery with a bright green hue.

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