Help, She's Crowing & won't lay eggs anymore!!!

Oh Boy..I live in the city & not allowed to have a roo. And hu;by says 3 birds max. Anyway to increase her estrogen levels so she'll lay again? I've heard seaweed (kelp) powder. I started feeding her that today. Anything else I can try?🙏🏻Thank you!
I don’t know if it is possible without an operation and that would shorten their lifespan by years and is ridiculously painful and cruel to the chicken
Where does she sit in the pecking order? Is she the head hen?

We have a Buff Orp, eight years old now. She took on the role of head hen early on and quit laying, but for a few times off and on. She would try to crow occasionally, but nothing consistent.

We’ve pretty much chalked it up as she is filling the role of a Rooster as the dominant head hen.

A few years back, she started laying again out of the blue, lasted for about a month. We’re pretty sure she reached chicken menopause once she was done as her comb became more pale and she has never laid again.

She is still large and in charge though 😁
Where does she sit in the pecking order? Is she the head hen?

We have a Buff Orp, eight years old now. She took on the role of head hen early on and quit laying, but for a few times off and on. She would try to crow occasionally, but nothing consistent.

We’ve pretty much chalked it up as she is filling the role of a Rooster as the dominant head hen.

A few years back, she started laying again out of the blue, lasted for about a month. We’re pretty sure she reached chicken menopause once she was done as her comb became more pale and she has never laid again.

She is still large and in charge though 😁
Ours is top hen. Sounds like we won't get eggs from her anymore, especially since it's almost May & we've only seen 2 soft shelled ones earlier in the year. Thank you.😊
Hi! This is my 1st post! ANY suggestions are welcome!!

My almost 2 yr old Buff Orpington was laying last year, Stopped to moult & decided to start crowing in February. She started laying in March, for the season, but only laid 2 eggs & they where both soft shelled. She hasn't laid any since!!

I've tried separating her from the others 3 days, to reintroduce her. Thinking of she wasn't too hen she wouldn't crow. Worked 3 days...

I've tried putting our decoy plastic rooster by the run, hoping she wouldn't feel the need to crow with him there. Worked 2 days...

I'm feeding her layer food, plenty of oyster shell & grit, water, they get treats of meal worms on occasion also, but still no eggs! I know she's a female, I know her eggs from the others bcs we only have 3 hens & they each lay a different color. (She's a Buff Orp & we have a Black Astrolarp & a Easter egger).

Thank you for any help!!! 🙏🏻
sounds like she has extra hormones.
Do you have a rooster? If not the lead hen will take over and start crowing
Don't have a roo. She is too hen but she won't lay eggs anymore since she started crowing, is it normal for her not to lay now that she's crowing & acting as protector?
How is she? Can you post a picture of her please?
Sure. She's healthy in every way on the outside. This is her free ranging in our yard the other day. Just mental or hormonal issues I'm guessing. She was born May 2022, started laying eggs Dec '22. Last summer she gave us a handful of soft shelled eggs, 2 fairy eggs & 1 the size of 2½ normal chicken eggs! Stopped laying to molt Oct '23. Layed 3 soft shelled eggs spring '24 & now nothing but protecting the flock & crowing. All the other girls we bought May 2022 have been laying perfectly. She's the only 1 we've gotten weird sizes & soft shells from. This is why I think it's something internal as everyone gets the same food/water/treats. They all lay a little bit different color so that's how we're able to track health of each as we have a small city flock...which is why the crowing is a problem. ☹️ Of course she's my daughter's favorite hen. We want to keep her if she'll shut up!! The egg laying isn't an issue as we just added more 2 hens.

Thank you for any help! We've been trying vitamins in water & other food & supplements.


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Sure. She's healthy in every way on the outside. This is her free ranging in our yard the other day. Just mental or hormonal issues I'm guessing. She was born May 2022, started laying eggs Dec '22. Last summer she gave us a handful of soft shelled eggs, 2 fairy eggs & 1 the size of 2½ normal chicken eggs! Stopped laying to molt Oct '23. Layed 3 soft shelled eggs spring '24 & now nothing but protecting the flock & crowing. All the other girls we bought May 2022 have been laying perfectly. She's the only 1 we've gotten weird sizes & soft shells from. This is why I think it's something internal as everyone gets the same food/water/treats. They all lay a little bit different color so that's how we're able to track health of each as we have a small city flock...which is why the crowing is a problem. ☹️ Of course she's my daughter's favorite hen. We want to keep her if she'll shut up!! The egg laying isn't an issue as we just added more 2 hens.

Thank you for any help! We've been trying vitamins in water & other food & supplements.
Her comb and wattles are very big for a hen.
Her comb and wattles are very big for a hen.
I agree, but she IS a hen. They weren't that large last year. They've grown during/after her 1st molt this past winter. I assure you She IS a SHE & WAS laying eggs from Dec '22-Oct '23 & did NOT used to crow at all! 🤷🏻‍♀️ She's my daughter's favorite...she said "why is MY hen the 1 in a million with a gender identity crisis?!?" It's almost like our hen knows she lives near Portland, OR. 🤦🏻‍♀️Poor thing .. If there's anyway to get her to shut up (eggs or not) we'd keep her, but we're not allowed to have a roo older than 3 months of age -due to the crowing... technically if we pissed off our neighbors and they got the city involved we ARE IN COMPLIANCE! But I'd rather she shut up to not go down that road! Or we'll have to give her to the nice lady at our local Mom Pop feed store. She has offered to take her. She has many hens & a roo. But of course my daughter is trying everything under the sun first. 😊

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