

Jun 30, 2019
Found one of my ducks with its wing hanging. Went to look at it and found this wound. Has white little bugs that look like worms in it too. What can i do??
Do you have access to a veterinarian familiar with birds in your area?
If so I would suggest you bring her there soon.
If not, my suggestion would be to move her into an isolated area, preferably warm, with feed and water provided (away from flies)
I would then flush the wound copiously with an antiseptic like chlorhexidine.
Afterwards, you can apply an antibacterial ointment such as Neosporin, or even medical-grade honey. The topical ointment should be applied several times a day as needed to maintain a moist wound environment.
The area is most probably infected, in which case antibiotics would be recommended; several can be obtained online in the U.S, such as Baytril. is Baytril used for,Infections and many many more.
(Dose, 0.05ml per pound, twice a day, orally).
In addition with the wound care, try offering her warm electrolyte fluids to help correct any deficits correlated with the trauma of the attack. Weighing her on a gram scale from now on, each morning would help determine if there is active weight loss occurring, and if tube feeding would be required.

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