Hen ate medicated chick starter-how long do we wait to eat eggs?

Quote:... Thanks for your answer! The problem is, I have no idea if the feed is medicated or not and if it is, what medication was used....

What do people that are raising broiler chicks feed their chicks ?....

Don't fret. It is evermore illegal (and has been for quite a long time) to manufacture animal food, and especially chicken food and include antibiotics in the formula. This is true regardless of what some 2-bit animal welfare agency that is constantly begging for money says.

Thank you for asking the question Genie.

My chickens were showing signs of cocci? We lost 4 in 24 hours after moving them into a coop not used for over a year but that had open to access wild birds. One of my favorite hen's stopped eating and was starting to stumble. I purchased a 50lb bag of medicated chick starter and fed it linerally to all the birds. Now the wild ones are treated, too. Ha!

My surviving sick hen got force fed a mush of electrolyte, water and medicated crumble. She was back to her old self in 3 days.

It's winter, so egg production was down anyway. We fed what eggs were laid to our cats and dogs for 10 days.

Just sharing our experience in case anyone else may benefit.

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