hen laying with legs out to the side


Jul 1, 2016
Acton, Maine
The past few days we've had 0 deg weather yesterday was really cold and windy. I went out to check for eggs and then water and feed for them. I noticed a hen laying in the corner not moving that much other than moving her head around. I went to pick her up and noticced her legs were sticking out the side instead of her sitting on them. I picked her up and her feet where stiff. thinking they were frozen i took her inside and placed her in the tube with some water in a bowl for her. she drinks from time to time but she is not moving that much once in a while i will hear her move a foot but that is it. if i touch her she will close up her feet and move her head around. i have tried to standing her up but she falls over and she is not moving her wings either.
Yikes. It sounds like she is still snapping out of hypothermia. If her wings are floppy as well...thats not good. I was thinking sparkle leg if it was just her legs, but if she's had a day or two to warm up and she's not better or showing improvement...I'd cull her. :(
How old is she? How is she doing now? Is she standing or still lying down? I would keep her inside tonight to make sur ethat she gets totally dry. You can use a hair dryer on her. How old is she? I would give her water, and add some SaveAChick to the water for electrolytes. Give her some chopped egg and her usual feed. Can you check her breastbone area to see if she has lost weight recently?

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