Hen suddenly staggering, wobbly


12 Years
Apr 19, 2009
I am hoping someone will be able to help. A feral adult hen was missing for two days and is now very wobbly. Bird is eating. I tried to upload a video but was not successful so am trying to show it in still photos. Any help is appreciated.


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She could be dehydrated. I would get her drinking, but a dose of Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell 2 ml orally would give her a boost. Offering some wet chicken feed and a bit of scrambled egg or tuna would be good.

Is she playing her wings out to help balance, or drooping a wing? Is she walking okay?
She could be dehydrated. I would get her drinking, but a dose of Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell 2 ml orally would give her a boost. Offering some wet chicken feed and a bit of scrambled egg or tuna would be good.

Is she playing her wings out to help balance, or drooping a wing? Is she walking okay?
Eggcessive - thank you for your response. I wish I could upload the video. The wing seems to be coming out to help stabilize as she wobbles. She is using both legs, but seems to lose balance -particularly toward the left side of the bird.. I am not there to help this person but have lined up someone else to check out the bird; I asked homeowner to catch it so it can be assessed. The bird is being offered plain yogurt in addition to water and other food.

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