Hen walking circles


May 18, 2017
I've read alot about hens that walk in circles and also alot about them having neck problems.... one of my hens does this. No apparent neck issue. It was suggested maube she was blind in one eye. She used to do It much more frequently, it's slowly gotten better, or not as frequent....

It could be neurological, based simply on the fact that the hen does this fairly frequently, and she completed 2 x 360* turns. Similar to some repetitive behaviors sometimes seen in people with epilepsy. I would get her on some poultry Nutri-drench. I had a hen who was a moon walker. She didn't do it often. But the behavior would show up on a cold morning, or when she was molting. A dose of PND usually brought her back to normal behavior.
Thank you all for the replies. Yes it could be a deficiency. I'll try some supplements. It has definitely gotten better since I got her.
Also: does she look like an older hen to anyone? Does the white face mean she's a bit older? I got her in a batch of 3 that were in a coop that was inside a barn. They didn't get much human interaction or any outdoor time :-(
I agree with the others--looks normal and healthy. Do give them vitamins and I would check and treat for mites and lice if you recently got them.

It is very hard to tell age since the look very nice after each molt. She does not look like she has joint problems that they get when they are old. When they are old enough to stop laying eggs, they get round and fat!
I agree with the others--looks normal and healthy. Do give them vitamins and I would check and treat for mites and lice if you recently got them.

It is very hard to tell age since the look very nice after each molt. She does not look like she has joint problems that they get when they are old. When they are old enough to stop laying eggs, they get round and fat!
When they stop laying, are they too old to eat? Maybe a good topic for another thread.
When they stop laying, are they too old to eat?
You can eat any aged chicken...cooking technique will depend on age.
Just make sure you rest the cleaned carcass in the fridge for 48-72 hours,
or you'll be sorry you tried to eat it.

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