Hens pecking at other Hens' combs-drawing blood


Jan 21, 2019
Never had an issue with this until now for whatever reason... A couple of hens are pecking a couple of others and have drawn blood on their combs. They don't look terrible but I am not sure why they are doing it all of a sudden. They have plenty of food, water, and they get some sort of treat in the morning(tomatoes,peppers, head of lettuce etc) so they have a bit of something to do. Maybe I need to figure out some "enrichment" ideas? They are also pecking each other on the roost(I don't see them much during the day as I am at work and when I get home it is close to getting dark due to winter)- they used to have a little of that here and there and now several of them just keep going at the other ones right before it gets dark. Any advice as to how to treat the combs of the injured ones? I don't want to draw attention to it by using the wrong thing and making them peck more. Any easy enrichment ideas? I do have a "flock block" I got from Rural King I could put out to try. Beginning to wonder if I am cut out for this whole chicken thing! Between another one who is inside and has some issues to this now..:barnienot to mention the rest of life's fun stuff. Honestly debating back and forth about rehoming them, which is very unlike me. I have a dog who has cancer now and has been my baby for over 12 years and other pets- and when it comes to chickens since I am a beginner I am lost-struggling a bit here. Really missing my fiance at this point. It seems silly I know, but he would have helped me with all of this-and life stuff- and since he passed away- not the same. Not to mention almost all 10 of these guys try to peck the crap out of me if I try to handle..supposed to be a friendly breed.. hmm.. (ISA Browns)**Sorry for the outpouring of whining ahaha just wondering if I am doing the chickens a disservice since I feel like I don't know what the heck I am doing**
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Well, spring is coming and hormones are rising even in hens.
Mine are all pecking combs too and they are freebirds during the day not cooped at all.
I also have docile breeds.
Not much you can do to treat little comb bites, i'd imagine yours are just little specky bites nothing too gory right?
If you have enough space, about the only not too involved thing that might help is upping their protein a little bit with mealworms or scrambled eggs.
It will improve once the seasons change, they are just a bit nutty when it starts to transition.:)
Never had an issue with this until now for whatever reason... A couple of hens are pecking a couple of others and have drawn blood on their combs. They don't look terrible but I am not sure why they are doing it all of a sudden. They have plenty of food, water, and they get some sort of treat in the morning(tomatoes,peppers, head of lettuce etc) so they have a bit of something to do. Maybe I need to figure out some "enrichment" ideas? They are also pecking each other on the roost(I don't see them much during the day as I am at work and when I get home it is close to getting dark due to winter)- they used to have a little of that here and there and now several of them just keep going at the other ones right before it gets dark. Any advice as to how to treat the combs of the injured ones? I don't want to draw attention to it by using the wrong thing and making them peck more. Any easy enrichment ideas? I do have a "flock block" I got from Rural King I could put out to try. Beginning to wonder if I am cut out for this whole chicken thing! Between another one who is inside and has some issues to this now..:barnienot to mention the rest of life's fun stuff. Honestly debating back and forth about rehoming them, which is very unlike me. I have a dog who has cancer now and has been my baby for over 12 years and other pets- and when it comes to chickens since I am a beginner I am lost-struggling a bit here. Really missing my fiance at this point. It seems silly I know, but he would have helped me with all of this-and life stuff- and since he passed away- not the same. Not to mention almost all 10 of these guys try to peck the crap out of me if I try to handle..supposed to be a friendly breed.. hmm.. (ISA Browns)**Sorry for the outpouring of whining ahaha just wondering if I am doing the chickens a disservice since I feel like I don't know what the heck I am doing**
:hugs You are going through a lot right now, so it is understandable you are feeling upset and at a loss!

I am so sorry to hear about your loss!! That must just be so difficult. I am sorry.

If you are considering rehoming them, with all else going on in your life, perhaps try for your own sake to take a step back. In my experience chickens will peck at each other often. Do not worry about it so long as no one chicken in particular is getting bullied by the rest of the flock, or indeed if one chicken in particular is doing all the bullying. In either of these cases, intervention is often required.
It sounds like your flock are just re-establishing their pecking order. This happens. They are just quarreling about who is where on their ladder!

I sometimes find myself caught in a rut of watching my flocks to see - who is sick, is there a bully, who looks 'off', am I missing something, - then I realize I am defeating the purpose (my purpose anyway) of having a backyard flock, and I remember to pull up a chair, sit, and enjoy watch them being chickens. It can be very easy to become worried, especially since you already have one inside. But it can be such a wonderful thing also and it helps to remind ourselves of that sometimes.

I am sorry to hear about your dog's health also, what a sad situation. Dogs are simply wonderful, I know my best friend is one.

Take a breath and give yourself a large pat on the back for all you are dealing with and coming through. You have a world of information and experience here to help you so you are not doing this on your own, and we all have to start somewhere. You will learn all you need to know as you go along, it is the same for all of us.
Well, spring is coming and hormones are rising even in hens.
Mine are all pecking combs too and they are freebirds during the day not cooped at all.
I also have docile breeds.
Not much you can do to treat little comb bites, i'd imagine yours are just little specky bites nothing too gory right?
If you have enough space, about the only not too involved thing that might help is upping their protein a little bit with mealworms or scrambled eggs.
It will improve once the seasons change, they are just a bit nutty when it starts to transition.:)

That is so good to know. I thought I must be doing something wrong! Yes, just little bites on 2 hens that I have noticed. 2 are being bullies when they get on the roost! Ok, I will try that! They had some mealworms the other day that I mixed in their feed bowl as a surprise treat. Thank you for the advice!! :)
:hugs You are going through a lot right now, so it is understandable you are feeling upset and at a loss!

I am so sorry to hear about your loss!! That must just be so difficult. I am sorry.

If you are considering rehoming them, with all else going on in your life, perhaps try for your own sake to take a step back. In my experience chickens will peck at each other often. Do not worry about it so long as no one chicken in particular is getting bullied by the rest of the flock, or indeed if one chicken in particular is doing all the bullying. In either of these cases, intervention is often required.
It sounds like your flock are just re-establishing their pecking order. This happens. They are just quarreling about who is where on their ladder!

I sometimes find myself caught in a rut of watching my flocks to see - who is sick, is there a bully, who looks 'off', am I missing something, - then I realize I am defeating the purpose (my purpose anyway) of having a backyard flock, and I remember to pull up a chair, sit, and enjoy watch them being chickens. It can be very easy to become worried, especially since you already have one inside. But it can be such a wonderful thing also and it helps to remind ourselves of that sometimes.

I am sorry to hear about your dog's health also, what a sad situation. Dogs are simply wonderful, I know my best friend is one.

Take a breath and give yourself a large pat on the back for all you are dealing with and coming through. You have a world of information and experience here to help you so you are not doing this on your own, and we all have to start somewhere. You will learn all you need to know as you go along, it is the same for all of us.

:hugs Thank you for your kind words! Normally I am ok but this on top of other things I held in too long got to me. I felt like a little kid who was having an "I don't wannnnnaaaa!!" day. I was letting everything get to me. Haha.
Thank you. I miss him so much it is unbearable! He passed of cancer(he was only 31!) and another one of my dogs I ended up having to euthanize the same morning! My dog was fine the day before- that night he was feeling bad I knew. Took him to vet after meeting with hospice nurse at home and my fiance's mom came to stay for a bit. Wouldn't you know it..cancer too! Horrible. Wouldn't wish any of it on anyone! I always say life is too short and since all this...it is overwhelmingly too short! Wish everyone realized this and would be happier and kinder to one another. Sorry for the rambling.
Yes, you are right, I was just letting it all overwhelm me. I just didn't want to be a bad chicken owner on top of everything else. I was also anxious that the only vet close who will treat is an hour away and like 80 bucks for just the exam. Yikes! I did find one local vet who will euthanize if needed. (I asked around to a bunch of clinics to see who would treat and or euthanize for reference if needed at some point during having chickens).Yes, at least they have a nice life and are not stuck in a tiny cage all the time being used just for eggs or meat!
Yes, there are two that had injured combs-nothing major. Two hens seem to be the bullies once on the roost(not sure if doing during day also as at work during most of daylight hours). I try to distract them or move them when they get excessive when I am in coop. They seem to go after any of the others- I think the 2 were just unlucky in where they pecked. Hoping they knock it off lol.
Thank you! He has been a constant for me for so long...through so many things..including all the most recent hearbreak and loss. I sometimes wonder if I can make it without him if that makes sense. What kind of dog do you have? They are the best! I have cats too.
Again, thank you for all of this! I needed this!! I appreciate you!
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He passed of cancer(he was only 31!) and another one of my dogs I ended up having to euthanize the same morning!
That must just have been devastating!! You are obviously a strong person to have come through such a time, I am so sorry.:(

I've got a border collie cross - Charlie :) He is 9 and suffers with arthritis in his hips but is still such a joy. He loves tending to the chickens with me :)

Two hens seem to be the bullies once on the roost(not sure if doing during day also as at work during most of daylight hours).
Just a thought, have they enough roost space? Or would it be possible to put in a slightly lower roost also to allow the two 'top' ladies to remain 'on top' at roost time?
I too find there can be a bit of quarreling at roosting time especially if I have recently added a new chicken. She gets a right telling off for trying to sleep on their roost :rolleyes: But it settles down. Normally, the ones closer to the bottom of the pecking order need to learn their place, and once they do everything settles.
Do you ever get to watch them during the day? I suspect you would be seeing more damage if it was in fact bullying as opposed to sorting their pecking order. Once they are all getting enough to eat/drink and acting normal I would not worry at this time.

It is great to have found a vet who will euthanize if the need arises. Hopefully it will be a long time before you may need to call them!

Oh, and you can not be accused of being a bad chicken owner. So don't even go there :old:hugs

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