Hey pumpkin peeps I need help!


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Mar 9, 2014
Northern Colorado
My pumpkin was doing great with enormous leaves and dark green color. Today I came home from work and found it looking like it's dying! Portions of the plant still look good and it's putting on new pumpkins. What could be wrong with my pumpkin?

You'll have to forgive the weeds I hadn't been getting in there like I should.

The part that looks like it's dying. This is where the main plant was planted! 😬

The part that looks good. About 30 ft still looks good.

Pumpkins are heavy feeders, so might be nutrients.

Squash vine borer is a possibility, but I do t think it’s in the west-not sure about CO. Check your dept of Ag CO website -they often have gardennpest list on the regional sites pertinent for the area.

Squash bugs can really impact pumpkins, but they aren’t going to have this big of an effect unless high numbers.

Yellow leaves could be overwatering - but probably not the case, CO isn’t rain heavy in the summer (?)
Pumpkins are heavy feeders, so might be nutrients.

Squash vine borer is a possibility, but I do t think it’s in the west-not sure about CO. Check your dept of Ag CO website -they often have gardennpest list on the regional sites pertinent for the area.

Squash bugs can really impact pumpkins, but they aren’t going to have this big of an effect unless high numbers.

Yellow leaves could be overwatering - but probably not the case, CO isn’t rain heavy in the summer (?)

We have had almost twice the normal rain fall. I would think if it was to wet the whole plant would be sickly.
I did find that squash bugs are in my area. I haven't had any here before so looked up what to look for. Is it true they are only out in the early morning?
Copper color egg clusters?
I had to get to the back of the bed but finally found egg clusters under several leaves. From the video I watched they are near hatch! No longer copper color although a different spot were copper. I will get pics once my phone charges a bit. (Much better camera)

Now how to rid the plant of them!?!

The research continues....
Squash bugs are the worst. They have devastated my garden in the past.
I keep some sevin on hand now in case i find any.

I was just reading that sevin is effective. I just watered so will apply once dry.
I will also pick up some neem oil....never used that before.

I think I should pre treat my very sad squash plant and cucumbers.
Does treating the soil around them work?

My neighbor keeps bees so yeah I have to be careful.
I was just reading that sevin is effective. I just watered so will apply once dry.
I will also pick up some neem oil....never used that before.

I think I should pre treat my very sad squash plant and cucumbers.
Does treating the soil around them work?

My neighbor keeps bees so yeah I have to be careful.
Hmm, I'm not sure. I've always sprayed the vines and underneath the leaves since that's where they seem to congregate, but yeah, that would be bad for honey bees. 🥺

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