How do you manage iced water?

Any ideas on how I would keep this heated?
Here in northern Wisconsin (down to -30) I stick with the heated dog water bowl. I do have a premier1 heated nipple drinker but the nipples freeze up at a certain point even when I keep it inside the large coop. I found that the dog bowl is the most simple and easiest solution!


The lowest temp is sometimes around 23° I think? I'm in western Washington state
Do you have power available? Those temps are reasonable without having to go extreme to keep water thawed. Moving water will stay thawed till around 10° and below. Your hose and float will freeze however.
We used both a heated dog dish and a 5 gallon bucket with a tank heater in it for several winters. This year we switched to this from Farm and Fleet:
Farm Innovators 2 Gallon Heated Chicken Waterer with Nipples
Blain # 1063517 | Mfr # HB-60P
Today's Price $49.99
View attachment 3292700
Are you noticing any leaks or micro cracks around the nipples?
I have a homemade food grade bucket with HN and I’m having issues with what I think is the hole plastic bucket developing small fissures since freezing temps have arrived. My run is getting wet.
...I’m having issues with what I think is the hole plastic bucket developing small fissures since freezing temps have arrived. My run is getting wet.
The most likely root cause of fissures like that is UV damage to the plastic. How much stress it takes to break depends on the extent of the damage. Eventually, just temperature changes will be enough to shatter it.
The most likely root cause of fissures like that is UV damage to the plastic. How much stress it takes to break depends on the extent of the damage. Eventually, just temperature changes will be enough to shatter it.
temp likely. no direct uv exp. I ended up taking out nipples, no obvious bucket issues so I cleaned all units, applied silicone tape to threads and replaced nipples. I will test it tonight. will have a pan underneath to catch any drips. hopefully run will stay dry. my birds def do not like the snow so far.
Heated dog dish long extension cord to garage
Do you keep the dish turned on all day/night? I just bought one (first time chicken keeper) and am worried about what happens if the water is gone but the bowl is still turned on. Do you dump the extra water each night and put new water in in the morning and turn the bowl on? The one I bought is a manual on/off button, nothing fancy and automatic. I have so much unnecessary anxiety about this 😜

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