how do you tell what gender your baby ducklings are?????


11 Years
Dec 14, 2008
I had pekins hatch today along with mallards and khaki-campbells, is there a way to sex them at a early age, what do I look for for a male and a female duck?
Supposedly you can vent sex them, but I've never had any luck with that. Usually by the time they're a couple weeks old I can tell by the difference in their quacks. The boys sound hoarse like they've lost their voice and the girls are quite loud.
I am a good vent sexer and I do it from 1 week on. 3 weeks in call ducklings.
I've not tried vent sexing ducklings, I can usually tell by their sounds. If you are around baby ducks enough, you get to where you can tell by their peeps.
I had seven ducklings and listened and listened for months to figure out the difference - they all sounded the same to me...They ended up all being female. Now that I have a drake. I see what people were saying - there is a distinct difference the males voice is low and raspy... I have to laugh at myself a little every time the subject come up. So remember you have to have some of each in order to tell the difference in their voices. : ) Good luck!!!
Anybody close to Joliet, Illinois, who would be willing to teach someone how to vent sex ducks?

ETA: By close, I mean like within 50 miles or so? You don't have to be right in Joliet...
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