How do your chickens sleep?


7 Years
Jun 24, 2012
All 11 of our chickens gather in the corner of the hen house and cuddle together all night long, sleeping very close, if not on top of one another. They were born in March. Is this normal? They huddle in the same corner in which the heat lamp was when we first put them into the house.
Tell us more about how they live. How big is the coop? What is the roost like? Where are you (general area, for climate?) What are your nighttime temps?
Well They are Most Likely Cold If they Huddle Up Like That And If Thats Where The Heat Lamp Was The Chickens Will Think Its Still there Do you have rooster and bedding on the ground such as hay or straw???
Some of ours still sleep huddled together. The roo sleeps with his wings spread around two of the girls each night and it's HOT here. 108 today although they are now in a house with a/c they slept like this even without the a/c. I think they just develop patterns and habits and other chickens they "like". All four of our rir's go to bed early and always sleep huddled together on the roost. Our white leghorns sleep huddled together in the nests.
all 4 of my girls sleep huddled together some nights literally on top of each other too, its hot here so they cant be cold, but my main problem i think is they sleep huddled together ON TOP of the nesting boxes :( i have 4 nesting boxes plenty big enough for each of them (two could even fit together im sure if they wanted to) but they wont sleep in them any suggestions? also we have a small flashlight hanging in the opposite corner for a night light is that enough light for them at night?
My chickens are about 2 months old now. They did sleep huddled together, then we made the chicken coop and just finished the hen house, they were still huddled together in the opening at night. So, I closed them in the hen house for 1 night (they were quite annoyed for about 30min) then I came out after dinner they were all quieted down. The next day they went in all by thierselves and were on the roost. Now nightly around sunset, they go into the hen house and hop up on the roost. They will always be as close together as possible. They are so cute.
My girls sleep, at this time until the weather warms up a bit, in a very large dog crate. They like to sleep in a pile, (6 of them at 5 weeks old.) next to the crate door with a couple of their heads between the crate bars. (Hope that's safe-would think if it caused them pain, they wouldn't do it.) But I think they choose to sleep by the crate door, because that's where the attention is-food comes through there, as so does water, treats, kindness... The "gateway" to attention.
And they can peek outta the room and watch me walk by from where they "pile up". Lol They sure are cute...
Chicks sleep like that until one of them (usually the future "boss hen") decides to try the roost and the rest just follow. I

have had some batches that didn't roost until they were almost laying age and others roosting at night by 8 weeks.

BTW chickens are not "afraid" of the dark and don't need a night light. In fact they will sleep better without light.
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Mine are 11 weeks and they sleep in a pile on the board that replaces the ladder hole at night. It's the only spot without the foam floor and wood chips. It's strange to me. All are female and they often wrap their wings around each other. It's cute.

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