How long after first mating/squatting will a pullet lay eggs?


5 Years
Jul 25, 2018
Southern California
One of my 17.5 week old pullets (a gold sex-link) was mated by my rooster yesterday. My roo is a few months past a year old, so he's not a young punk of a cockerel testing himself out. She had squatted for me on Friday, along with several other pullets. When can I expect her first egg?

Impatience I know. :)
I know squatting isn't a surefire sign of imminent laying, but it's always worked for me - 10-14 days from onset of squatting I'd expect an egg.
Mature mating is a very good sign too!
Im going to wager 7 to 10 days.:)
My old guy won't touch them until they're about to lay.
Thank you!! My excitement is building everyday.

Just out of curiosity, does this mean that her first eggs will be fertile? Not to hatch them of course, just wondering.
No idea if it would be fertile actually... if you eat it, take a good look at the yolk and look for signs of fertilization.

If you're thinking about hatching, best to wait until the eggs are full sized so chicks will have as much space to develop as possible.
She laid her first egg today!!! This is 6 days after she squatted for me. Here's a pic, and the egg is a nice lovely brown:

Her egg is the smaller, darker brown one in the bottom row.

No idea if it would be fertile actually... if you eat it, take a good look at the yolk and look for signs of fertilization.

If you're thinking about hatching, best to wait until the eggs are full sized so chicks will have as much space to develop as possible.
Will do! I wasn't thinking about hatching, just curious.

Sign of a good cock/erel!!
Agrees could be a few days or a few weeks.
Thank you for the compliment :), but if I may ask, how is that a sign of a good rooster?
Well, I was complementing the bird. :gig
A cock/erel that doesn't mount an immature pullet is a good cock/erel.
Maybe I was incorrectly assuming he hadn't mounted her prior.
I know, but since he can't thank you, I'm doing it on his behalf. :) He had not mounted her prior to that, and he has not mounted any other pullet but her.

I opened her first egg and it appeared to be fertile! She laid her third egg in a row today.
She laid her 9th egg in a row today! Woohoo, she sure is a productive girl! I hope it doesn't cause reproductive problems.

None of the other pullets have started laying yet, but my rooster is now also mating with my Naked Neck pullet (same age as the laying GSL). Just with those two, so I'm hoping for eggs soon out of the Naked Neck, and maybe out of some other pullets that have squatted for me.

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