How Much Is My Tom Worth

May 3, 2019
(This is not an ad. I'm looking for advice) I have a royal palm tom who I'm thinking of selling. He looks a bit rough right now cause he's been fighting with my other boys, but he's a nice bird. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what a breeding age royal palm tom is worth, please?


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I'm not sure, but it probably depends on attitude, age and where you are. I got my trio for free and see toms for free all the time, but we're more focused on production than beauty for most people here.
Agree with the previous poster 100%! I just gave away 2 really nice 8 month old pencilled palm jakes. I tried to sell them cheap for 2 months and still had them. My location is a LARGE issue.
Are there alot of other people selling turkeys in your location? I think they should be worth something at least for the meat.
The meat alone is probably worth at least 30 or 40 bucks if I were selling it. I wouldnt go any lower than 2 dollars a pound live weight.
Definitely look at what turkeys in your area are going for.
As others pointed out location and demand will be big factors. One person could sell a Tom for $50+ and others might not be able to give them away for free. It really depends.

In my area I’ve seen some listed as year olds(your boy looks like he’s a year or less?) being sold as pairs for $50 each.
Im not sure how many pairs they have to sell, but I’ve seen that ad for a while. So price might be higher then what people are willing to pay. You can always add “or best offer” to your ad too and see what offers people make.
I'm in south Alabama breeding pairs are selling at 120. I'd start at 50 and say price negotiable. Chicks from hatcheries are 13 plus shipping. Really depends on what someone would give you for him. If you were close to me I'd get him.
Check out what people are selling them for on Craigslist in your area. That should give you an idea of how much you could ask. In my area I see them advertised for $50 and $60 all the time.
Are there alot of other people selling turkeys in your location? I think they should be worth something at least for the meat.
No, none. Very rural and 100 or so miles one way from more populated areas. People (In general) are WAAAAY too lazy to drive any farther than they absolutely HAVE to is seems. (I just don't understand the mentality to be honest. But it is what it is)
I'm dying to get a full blooded heritage variety. Mainly wanting bourbon reds I've never had turkeys but I wanna start with those. I did just have a guy email me he'll be close to me tomorrow 45 dollars a dozen eggs all heritage but 3 toms over all of his hens so they'll be mixed.

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