How old does a duck need to be to live in a pond/yard?


9 Years
Jul 29, 2010
Aledo, TX
I got a passel of rouen ducklings from Ideal and would like to gift a couple to my neighbors for their pond, but I want to minimize their work/care load.
My neighbors are not set up with a pen but they have a well fenced yard around their little pond. The ducklings are now 3 weeks old.
What is the best age to send a few 'over the fence'?
hi i bought my runner ducks when they were 4 weeks old i kept them indoors for 2 weeks and then put them outside i didnt introduce them to the pond till they were 8 weeks as they dont have any oil in feathers if not reared with the mother but if they are thay can take almost instantly well as nature intends is my motto for everything if it hppens in nature its natural if not then i find a alternative
You should make sure that your neighbors are prepared to be responsible duck owners, and have good food and safe nighttime shelter. Once they're fully feathers, about 8 weeks, you should be good. don't just let them loose on a pond though, it's not a nice idea.
Ditto on making sure the new home is really well prepared. Predators (including snapping turtles, raccoons, weasels, hawks) would be a concern for me. The ducks do need to be old enough to be in full feather with their oil glands working. Also be aware that they may be attached to you and that could affect their behavior. I kept a friend's ducklings their first two weeks, but that worked out okay. She finished brooding them and now they are happy with her. But we are not next door.
Duck's unraised by mama's usualy dont do well on their own until they are least a couple month's old.Brooded duck's need time to feather well then apapt slowly to outside surroundings and water and learn where their feed and sleep area is.Brooded duckling's dont get the natural oil protective coating from the mama like nat. babies do.So they need more time to grow in a little down before they go out.I have raised Hundred's of duckling's and duck's and it's a bit time consuming but well worth the effort to see them grace the water and forage naturaly and yet you can keep them safe with sometime's minimal nightime protection.It depends on where you live and predator's in your area.Pond's can hold mud turtle's which can kill or mame duck's or duckling's quickly.We have done away with several here but not before a couple of mortal and a couple of critical injurie's.They are swift and fast and the bad thing is they don't even eat the prey!.I raised another 29 this year slow on everything this time.But they all did good.Patience is the key with raising any waterfowl.
Thank you everyone. The pond is just a little ornamental one in their well landscaped back yard so there are no turtles or anything like that. Their fence is solid enough to keep out large predators. We have talked about them having ducks, I am just wondering what age is best to 'rehome'. I promise I will not just lob the ducklings over the fence. :)
I promise I will not just lob the ducklings over the fence. :)


I just pictured this in my head!
"Okay! Ya ready? Here comes the first one!"
And then you tossing it over the fence.


i think i am a little tired too.
You should know that the ducks will shred any water plant in that ornamental pond. The pond may be completely destroyed in a few hours. Duck's toenails are sharp and they can and will slice pond liners. You better think twice before you had some ducks over to your neighbor, because they will get unhappy if their pond goes belly up.

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