How old until chicks safe from cats?


5 Years
Dec 4, 2014
Hi all,

I have my 5 week old Rhode island red chicks outside with a little run attached to their house. We are lucky in Nz as we don't have a lot of predators but I do have a young cat from next door I am worried about. The cat doesn't bother the adult chooks so was wondering at what age will my chicks be big enough to be let out to look around without being lunch for the cat?

Hi there - I never really trust mine with cats until they are 8-10 weeks old. They should be almost as big as your mature hens.

Before I trust they are big enough to not be kitty toys, I will let them out for supervised periods. :)
Oh thanks for that, not really the answer I was hoping for hahaha.
I have built them a cool run but it's not cat proffered sadly. Back to the drawing board :)
I have 5 cats on the farm and I have some free range frizzles silkies and other batsman my cats dont touch ive literally seen a 2 week old chick standing almost roost like on there back lol my momma cat one day my quail got loose off in the woods and she chased them down and brought back 2 out of four at my feet very gently

I am not making a bit of this up lol

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