HUGE swelling on breast of chicken!!!


10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
NW Florida
Help! I have no idea what this is - it's like a big bubble, like the size of a GOLF BALL, and the chicken is only 2 months old, nowhere near fully grown. It seems hot and somewhat soft, like an abcess of some sort. Should I do something? Try to cut it open? HELP!!!
Don't do anything yet. It's probably just a full crop, which is very normal and should go down on its own. However, if the cluck is acting weird - in distress, not active, not eating or drinking or pooping, it may be something else. Does the chick seem normal except for the big lump?
It is probably just the crop.
It is supposed to look and feel like that. However, if you have any concerns, check back on her early in the morning or seperate her from the flock without any food and it should go down overnight.
Yes, that's the crop, located on right side of chest and depending on what and how much they eat and drink it can be quite full.

We once had a hen whose crop would be so full by the end of the day it was hanging down between her front legs and when she ran it would sway back and forth and she looked like she was on "Baywatch" so we named her Pammy after Pamela Lee Anderson.
LOL - I don't think this hen would qualify for Baywatch, but we massaged it lightly and downward, and then checked on her a bit later - it seemed to be smaller. I think she's going to be OK.

Thanks for alleviating my panic, guys. As you can tell, these are my first chickens!!
lol.. its completely normal I promise! alot of people get alarmed about that! when I got my babies my mom thought they all had tumors or something too.. haha!

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