I don't think she's broody, but maybe?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Bluey, 20 month old LF buff brahma, has been on a nest since late this morning. She's already laid her egg, but she keeps sitting. Every few minutes she raises up a little and rearranges her egg and the golfballs.
If I try to look under her, she growls but does raise up a little so I can look. She doesn't peck me or get spastic in any way.

I'm trying to decide whether to remove her now that it's bedtime or leave her and see what happens. I really dislike finding poop filled nestboxes in the morning, so I usually remove any nest sitters after dark.
Well I let her go ahead and sit for the night. I didn't have the heart to move her, she looked so content. Guess I'll be doing a nestbox clean out in the morning.
She came off the nest this morning when she saw me handing out bread, then went back on it. At least she didn't poop in the nest last night. That makes me happy.
With your hens and their history, I'd think you need another couple of days to see that she is committed enough to trust her with some eggs. You do get some drama with your girls. I assume you do have a plan, other than getting an incubator? Have you decided which make and model you want? (Keep Bluey thinking you are getting one. Talk about it in front of her. Otherwise she is just teasing you.)
Well, I'm figuring it's my luck. I've been hoping and praying for a broody since before my girls even started laying. I've tried every trick that's ever been suggested for making one go broody without success.
So, I'll either get a broody when we have a foot of snow on the ground or the day after I order 25 chicks in the spring. My girls live to torment me.
Nope, no such luck. I think I jinx myself by coming to BYC and posting about a possible broody. Maybe if I ignore their strange behavior......

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