Ill chicken not moving and always sleeping. Please help


In the Brooder
Dec 19, 2019
UK England
Hey there folks.

My chicken, Princess Layer, has recently been ill. By that I mean she has:
  1. Runny and very smelly poop - yellow
  2. Always sleeping
  3. Not drinking and eating much (a few nibbles every now and then)
  4. Wings are "heavy" - Sort of sliding off
  5. Lack of activity
This is very similar to what my previous chicken, Junior, had suffered. Junior then passed away 3 days after. 🙏

I am giving her Apple Cider Vinegar and ginger with carrots.

Any advice would be most appreciated to help my darling chicken get better. xx
I’ve never heard of this before but you did the right thing with the cider apple vinegar! You could also try garlic in the eater? That’s helped my chickens before. Sorry i’ve not being much help, good luck with your poorly chicken and hope she has a safe recovery.
How old is she? Can you give more information? It sounds like she may have either a reproductive infection or an intestinal infection. If she is a couple of years old, the reproductive infection is more likely. The blue comb sounds like she is not getting enough oxygen to her heart. I would try to keep her comfortable and warm, and not stress her. Unless you can see a vet for treatment or antibiotics, she may be dying. I would offer water or electrolytes from a small cup. Cooked egg or watery chicken feed can be given also. Sorry that you may be losing her.
Hey folks. Quick update.
Princess Layer has passed away this morning, and we have buried her with others.

If I knew what it was, I may have been able to help her recover.

My family care so much for our chickens, and this upsets us.

Thank you all for your help.

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