Im raising 6 ducklings-what kind of wattage do i need in my heatlamp?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 1, 2014
So im raising ducklings, but putting them into two groups with three ducklings each. For a brooder, im making a home-made one, using a large tub. My question: what wattage bulb do i need and will it melt the plastic??

Any advice would be geat :)
Good you are concerned.

I used three - two ceramics, one light. The light was 30 W, the ceramics were a 60W and 30W.

I suspended them over the brooder using a reinforced half inch metal hardware cloth shelf.

There was a spring thermometer in the brooder itself under the lamps to track temperature.

That's a start - the key thing is to be able to control the heat. 90F the first week, dropping 5 degrees a week thereafter.

I found that the ducklings' splashing made it 10 degrees cooler in the brooder than when I had tested the lamps before they arrived.
@Amiga what do you mean when you say ceramic? Im really new to raising ducklings, so im going the cheapest and most basic route. How many ducklings did you have in your brooder?
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Ceramic heat lamps are sold for reptiles. Because I used to have pet reptiles, I had a couple in the closet. They last for years and years.

We started with 15 Runners - for two weeks, then my friend who ordered with me had her brooder set up and took four for herself.
Ceramic heat lamps are sold for reptiles.  Because I used to have pet reptiles, I had a couple in the closet.  They last for years and years.

We started with 15 Runners - for two weeks, then my friend who ordered with me had her brooder set up and took four for herself.

Ok, so would a 30 watt heatlamp be best for 3 ducklings? Also, would you suggest a store bought feeder or doesit really not matter?
Some days it took all three of those lamps to keep the brooder warm enough - especially the first few weeks. That's why a thermometer and a test run were very helpful to me.

I don't think you need store bought, just something that works. Even a low dish on something to catch the splash. Hours-old wet food in my opinion smells worse than duckling poo.
Some days it took all three of those lamps to keep the brooder warm enough - especially the first few weeks.  That's why a thermometer and a test run were very helpful to me.

I don't think you need store bought, just something that works.  Even a low dish on something to catch the splash.  Hours-old wet food in my opinion smells worse than duckling poo.

Haha, ok, thats good to know. Is it the strknger the wattage the warmer the lamo gets, or the brighter? Thank you for all of your help by the way :)
Haha, ok, thats good to know. Is it the strknger the wattage the warmer the lamo gets, or the brighter? Thank you for all of your help by the way
For light bulbs, both. Higher wattage is more energy out, in the form of light and heat.
I have chicks, so I don't know if it will be the same on ducklings, but I don't use white heat lamp bulbs, I use red heat lamp bulbs. They freak out to white bulbs for some reason that I don't know why, but I recommend using red bulbs, and you can get them on amazon or probably even a local pet store!

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