Immaculate conception and goats


Lyon Master
16 Years
Feb 8, 2007
Well, thats about the best way to describe it. We have had our male goats and the females seperated since about September, exactly so I didnt have to deal with babies in the dead of winter. However, I ended up with 5 baby goats from two different mothers in early Febuary, which hubby just told me the goats were fat, they got fed well.
Well, I knew better. Anyway, out of the 5 kids, 2 of a set of triplets survived and we lost both the mother and the other two babies.

However, this is not the reason for my story...

If ANYONE tells you by seperating the goats to two pens will insure no pregnancies...they LIE!!!
I have standing in my yard right now, a baby goat born last week obviously from a male and a female standing reallyy close to each other on opposite sides of the fence! They WILL breed through the fence!!! Hubby thinks I am crazy, I got the whole shes just well fed spew a few days before the baby appeared. I will get a picture later of "Miracle".
Wow, I'd like to see that technique!
Not just goats - dogs too!
My oldest sister once had a German Shepherd that was the product of a brother/sister mating through a kennel fence. This dog wasn't the brightest critter that ever was, but sweet!
Horses will also breed through the fence.

The best way to prevent this in the future is to make sure they don't share a fence line. Maybe some electric tape/wire a couple feet on the inside of one pen.
Well, I will have to let my husband see this thread because he is still adament about not believing its possible.

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