
newbie ducks

In the Brooder
Jan 14, 2024
got questions > Keep in mind Oreo a wild Muscovy duck she will leave with them after they hatch, they have both together 26 eggs & some also belong to Paula they both drop eggs in same nest, but Oreo been doing all the work. I think the eggs will hatch around May 14 that will be about 35 days. I got this incubator for just in case a few might be still good just haven't hatched yet or because of any other situations. My plan is to try to save any lives & after they hatch to bring them to mama see if she accepts them or if not then I raise them I can make a brooder that's no problem. On the day she leaves I will check the left-over eggs. If any are still good, when should I set up the incubator to have it ready & when should I put eggs inside it & what temp & humidity should it be at? And how long should I keep a baby in there after it hatches? when can it drink water & food?


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60% humidity

99 or 100 Fahrenheit temperature

The chicks should leave the incubator once dry, but can stay in up to 2 days after hatch.

Honestly, I have only done quail and chicken eggs, but I’ve read ducks are the same.

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