Indian runners hatching day 28


In the Brooder
May 9, 2022
Hi everyone! I'm new here and also first time incubating eggs. Hope you could give me an advice or at least some hope. Its day 28 today for our 4 eggs, last candling at day 25 which showed all happy active chicks inside. One of the egg pipped yesterday and was quite active, another egg was active too but other 2 not really moving much thru lock down. I'm bit stressed as I haven't seen any movement from pipped egg since yesterday evening. It pipped around 1 pm. Also no vocals at all. Should I be worried? I keep temp at 37 5 C and humidity around 70 % since day 25 -26. Thanks in advance for any help


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Ducks usually take longer to hatch than other poultry... it might be a couple of days before they decide they want to come out... Don't touch the incubator until they all hatched or 24-48 hours after most hatched. If you feel that it's taking way too long, then you might have to interfere. They should take at least 1-2 days of hatching... Otherwise they might've died or are having trouble getting out.. Hope that helped! :thumbsup

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