Info on raising Zebras?


15 Years
Sep 4, 2008
First off, I'm SUPER excited about this new section of the forum!

I've seen a handful of few posts over the past few years from people that raise zebra (zebras?) on their ranch. My daughters LOVE everything and anything that has to do with these animals and we'd love to give this a try.

Anybody have experience or ideas on how to get started?
Well, I'm not sure how to raise one, but I know you can find several on craigslist.
My brother has a zebra on his ranch. I don't know much about them except that they are not like donkeys and horses in that you can feed them out of your hand. I was warned that they will bite your hand off.

I've never gotten within 50 yards of the thing. It's not like a cow that will come up for a cube. It's nice to look at, but I find cows and horses much more satisfying to be around.
My brother has a zebra on his ranch. I don't know much about them except that they are not like donkeys and horses in that you can feed them out of your hand. I was warned that they will bite your hand off.

I've never gotten within 50 yards of the thing. It's not like a cow that will come up for a cube. It's nice to look at, but I find cows and horses much more satisfying to be around.

I have raised them in the past, they can be tamed and even ridden if you start training them from a very young age, but even then they are not calm or tame like a horse or donkey. The care is about the same as a horse with some very important exceptions, they can't get too cold, they don't do well and can die from respiratory failure if they get really cold and to a zebra 50 degrees is really cold!

If you are really interested I would contact some breeders and find out caging and feeding requirements, there are other important differences between keeping a horse so you need to talk to actual owners, once you have the information you can decide if you want one or not and go from there. Most states (not all so check your particular state rules and regulations) treat a zebra like a horse so if you have the ability in your area to raise horses you should have no trouble with owning one. Still make sure because not all states may allow one you will just have to check the local and state laws first
I have heard that they are dangerous and can not be tamed easily. They need to be drugged to be handled. I would leave these to the experts at the zoos. They would be a huge liability. They can bite and kick with lightning speed.
I have heard that they are dangerous and can not be tamed easily. They need to be drugged to be handled. I would leave these to the experts at the zoos. They would be a huge liability. They can bite and kick with lightning speed.

While I don't disagree that wild ones can be dangerous and Grevy's zebra are very aggressive even to each other, plains or common zebra that are captive born are much calmer and can be tamed and handled, even ridden if trained from a young age. I have worked with zoos and have never had to drug them for normal moves or transport, right now there are 4 zebras for sale in Texas that were moved in a horse trailer along with a circus and were never drugged, they were trained to ride in the trailer and did fine. Zebras can kick and bite to defend themselves but so can horses, although a zebra is more quick to try to defend itself common sense is used to avoid an injury. I am not recommending a zebra for a pet but captive born ones can be kept as pets if you understand what you are getting into and have the proper husbandry techniques and the knowledge and commitment to their care, there are some states that do not even need special permits if you live in an area where horses can be kept.
I was feeding a zebra in my car and the dang thing just about took a chunk out of my window sill! Still would have the teeth marks if it hadn't had been totaled later on that year. Sure made for a good story though.

Zebra's are mean! It's like owning a Jack donkey- only worse!

Definitely a pretty lawn ornament though...

EDIT: Oh, about the riding thing, yeah you can ride them...after six months of training and several BITE marks later.
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